Cameron x Frey (wip)

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I could write whole ass pages about this ship in the tiniest font with the spacing the thinnest it can go.
But I seriously hate the start of this one and not going to finish it x.
Also, this is a medieval AU, ill probably get stuff wrong, im sorry.

WAs they lay on their backs, feeling the night wind kindly breeze, approaching the moment. The moonlight peaked throughout little holes in the trees and glistened on Frey's hair. A silky light hazelnut brown, that Cameron would love to put his hands through, or braid it, or do absolutely anything with it. That was Cameron's opinion on any feature that Frey was gifted. He wanted to get the most comfortable he could with Frey, he wanted to know every flaw of Frey like it was on the back of Cameron's hand. The thought of it made Cameron go crazy.
It felt so natural. The feeling to love this man the way he would love a woman, even through the repetition of being told it's unacceptable, it hadn't infiltrated his mind yet.
It was rather odd. He's only ever felt this way when he had first met Liam. Cameron wondered if frey had some fantasies about Cameron. A part of him wanted frey to have the same fantasies.
Maybe Cameron would tell frey that one day, but for now he'll just admire small quirks about Frey.
"Cameron?" Frey said while rolling to his side, "have you been listening?"
"Ah no, I'm sorry, I was daydreaming," Cameron embarrassing admitted, "please continue."

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