So I Found A Bandage

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So I was sittin in my room chilling with my brother and I look at my shelf and I see an ace bandage! I'm like hey I always used to like put it in my arm it made me feel cool don't know why but it just did... So I'm like hey where else can I put it... Leg? Stomach? Face! So I decide to wrap my head up in it like I'm some mummy or a ninja or something then walk sound my house scarring the shit out if my mother it as a good Saturday! Coincidentally the same day I did that I went to the factory of terror which is one of the largest haunted houses in the world where I then proceeded to flirt with everybody there got kissed on the cheek cussed out by like 3 people have a bro down with a fake zombie that somebody controlled so they talked back... It was a good time I only got scared like twice! My brother on the other hand nearly pissed himself and he's 4 years older and at least 10 times as manly as me... I don't know what was up

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