The broken pieces

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The only thing Virat found himself thinking was how to meet Rohit again before his flight to London on Friday. He had got obsessed with the idea even before he realised himself, and after hours of thinking, he remembered that Rohit had said that Sam and Aarya had some function in school the next day and he and Jinks were going to drop them.

He could wait outside the school, thought Virat. He didn't remember the timing, so he decided to wait there from 7 in the morning.

No matter how crazy it seemed, Virat never used to think twice before implementing any idea once it possessed him anyway.


Rohit and Jinks arrived at 9:30 with their daughters, much to Virat's relief.

Sam entered the gates of the school, and before Aarya could, Virat jumped up from the bench he had been sitting on and dashed to her.

"Virat chachu!" shrieked Aarya in delight as Virat swung her up and ruffled her hair.

That made Aarya dodge away and say, "Don't spoil my hair. I'm the queen's top servant in the play."

"Ok," conceded Virat, laughing as he set her down.

"How come you're here, Vi?" asked Jinks, who was smiling broadly at the scene.

"Just came to meet you guys," said Virat, sending a nervous glance at Rohit, who was staring at him critically.

Sam was back at the gate, yelling Aarya's name.

"Go quick, Aarya, she's waiting," said Jinks.

"You'll come home today?" Aarya asked Virat hopefully.

"Tomorrow," promised Virat.

"No--today!" wailed Aarya.

"I've got some work today, dear," said Virat, bending down and pulling her nose. "Go now, Sam's waiting."

Aarya ran into her school, waving at them cheerfully. Sam was staring at Virat in wonder.

Jinks and Rohit waved to their daughters and the three of them turned to leave.


"What work do you have today?" asked Jinks as they were walking down an alley.

"Got to visit the Visa office," said Virat, glancing at the watch. "At around 2 o'clock."

"So we have got four hours together," said Jinks, linking his arms with his two best friends'. "The three of us are together after so long, isn't it?"

Jinks sounded so wistful that even Rohit felt bad. Jinks had always been caught in the middle between the two of them, and the last few years could not have been very normal for him either.

"After I come back from London, I'll take an apartment near the two of you," said Virat. "Sam doesn't even know me...and I haven't met Ritika in ages either."

"It's Sam's birthday on Thursday, can you come home?" Rohit felt compelled to say.

Virat turned towards him, false hope rising in him again, which he forcefully put down.

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