Chapter 1: The Story of Nockinvence

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Nockinvence is a small town in Virginia, USA. This town holds many secrets. Let's start from the beginning.
Nockinvence founded at October 12, 1796 by Samuelo Nockinvence. He lived there with his family. Then, many people started coming to live in this town. At October 12, 1832, Nockinvence celebrated the 36th anniversary of the city. Samuelo was 67 that year. The town started being bigger and bigger. The town just got the first hospital named "Samuelo Nockinvence". They built a big building with 600 rooms, 30 toilets, 61 kitchens, 49 living rooms and rest rooms, and 12 basements. This was the house of Samuelo. People wanted to thank him for this beautiful town. But one day, at April 2, 1850, A clan of people attacked in Nockinvence. They wanted to destroy the city because it was so rich and they thought that they're stealing all the money from them. They started burning the city. They abducted Samuelo and they tortured him deeply. They killed him at December 3, 1850 in the age of 85. This clan of people was named "Ratitanians". They're leader was named "Racrossof Ratitan". All they woman that lived in this city became slaves and mistresses. Ratitanian man raped Nockinvencian females so much that they were dying. Racrossof ordered his fleet to knock down the manor house of Samuelo Nockinvence. They tried many times but they couldn't knock it. They got round to knock down the gate of the house. But when they got inside their bodies got in fire. Anyone who was passing this gate was burning and suffering from pain into these flames. No one could go there. They were saying that Samuelo's house is now haunted by his spirit. At October, 19 1897, a big earthquake hitted the area of Nockinvence. The house knocked down. Nockinvencian people dared to gather the debris and clean the mess. That was a huge sin. They used to say that the whole town is now haunted. People who took the debris away died 13 hours after they did that. They did say that Samuelo was punishing them. At February 10, 1988, they built a middle/high school, exacly in the place where Samuelo's house was located. They named the school "Samuelo Nockinvence Middle High". At March 15, 2000 they renovated the school and they locked some rooms, lockers, halls and hallways. Some parts of the school are hiding secrets and stories about what happened to this town. They promised to keep it undercover to not panick Nockinvencians but, nothing stays hidden forever. There are so many facts waiting to be revealed...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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