What's that in my bum

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   They had just finished a clean up mission on a planet that seemed to be overflowing with trash and this odd, gelatinous black goop. It had taken them a year of complete focus and all resources to clean the mess. Now it was finally done.

   Bild was exhausted  and wanted nothing more than to crash back on Espen's ship and sleep for the rest of his life. He couldn't do that forever. There was a lot of data and accounting to do still. Hopefully Essen would be gracious enough to allow them a night of rest first.

   Bild walked along to the shuttle, lost in thought and self pity for his impending workload, when he felt someone shoulder him slightly. He snapped out of his thought coma to look to where the source of the disturbance was.

   "Hey babe, man was that a job and a half!" The statement was accompanied by the most captivating laugh and smirk. Freckled cheeks pulled up with the laugh and crinkled mesmerizing green eyes. Bild focused his gaze on his partners adorable birthmark, which resembled a smudge of tanner skin on his cheek.

   "Tell me about it. We still have more to go though...." he trailed off, lacing his hand into the other mans. Logan squeezed his hand back, offering him a sympathetic grin that turned into one of "oh boy I want to die". Logan leaned in to place a quick peck on his cheek.

   Bild felt his cheeks redden. Even though him and Logan had been dating for two years now, he still felt giddy and selling emotion whenever he was around him. He wanted nothing more than to end this day and retire to his sleeping area and curl up with Logan.

   After boarding the shuttle and a ten minute ride up and out of the planets stratosphere to the main ship, they exited to report back to Espen.

Bild finished up the mission report and asked if anything else needed to be done. He waited patiently for her answer, hoping it was a dismissal to sleep.

   Espen straightened up her back and stretched up to her toes to be seen by the crew, which was hard since she was only 5'4". "You all have worked so hard this last year and while there is the paperwork to deal with, it is a bit much to ask of you right now. You all will get the week off to recover before we resume".

   Everyone cheered  and she sank back down to the flats of her feet, offering Bild a small smile, her shoulders slumping as she did. She looked dead tired. She lacked her usual perfect posture and her eyes had dark circles. Her white curly hair was dull and messy and her usually striking gold eyes seemed toned down.

   Bild felt someone tugging him backwards. "Cmon babe let's relax and cuddle". Bild smiled, he turned and eagerly followed Logan out of the command room and to their bed chambers.

   Once there both men worked to take off their dirty work clothes and exchange them with their comfy pajamas. As they were working to take off their pants, Bild noticed that peculiar black goop on the hem of Logan's pants. It was a small patch, only about the size of a hand.

   "Hey babe I think a little debris got under your protection suit". Bild pointed to the residue, chuckling a bit. Logan reaches down to brush it off, but as soon as he touched it, it started to almost vibrate and emit a shrill, horrendous shriek.

   Logan screamed  and fell back, flat on his ass and Bild pressed back up to the wall. The residue was still on his leg and it seemed to expand without losing mass. Bild was transfixed. His inner science geek was interested by this bizarre creature that they previously believed to be just some gunk.

   Bild slowly shuffled over to his desk to grab his research notebook and a writing utensil, never taking his eyes off the still expanding black mass.

  The goop seemingly expanded, covering up Logan's lower left leg before tendril like appendages formed out of the wriggling mass. The crawled their way up the mans legs until they reached the zipper of his pants. From that tendril, smaller ones branched our, almost akin to a hand, working at the zipper until it opened. Then it tugged the pants down, taking the boxers with them at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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