Doodles | fluff

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	The dismissal bell rang throughout the building like home was calling my name

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The dismissal bell rang throughout the building like home was calling my name. I (and many other students) gathered my belongings, however, I noticed my notebook was missing.

Crap, I thought. What if someone finds it? I have all my doodles in there!

I panicked and began searching around my desk to no avail. Plan B was to ask the student who sat beside me if they accidentally picked it up. I glanced to the side, but they were beginning to leave the classroom as well. I hurriedly chased after them, I couldn't risk another student finding my notebook. Then the realization hit me; My notebook was filled with doodles of Stephen Ng, the student who sat beside me.

Shit, shit, shit! I ran faster.

I finally caught up to him, but then hesitance flooded over me. Stephen was a class clown--fairly popular and funny. He had a bold style, clearly shown by his vivid violet mohawk. I doubt he'd ever take notice of me, and I might stutter or mess up when confronting him. What would I even say? I ended up following him for a block, then he abruptly stopped and turned around.

"Stop following me, creep!" Stephen yelled. "Yeah, you thought I didn't notice, huh? I'm not that stupid!"

I stopped in my tracks, startled. I had to catch up with his words, and also with my thoughts, "Ah, s-sorry! I wasn't stalking you, i-it's just that-"

"Hm? Just what?" Stephen interrupted.

Oh, shit, he realized I stole his notebook, I thought

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Oh, shit, he realized I stole his notebook, I thought.

Hosuh Lee, a silver-haired loner who I had a couple of classes with. I always thought his timid, quiet voice and the way he hated leaving his hair down was adorable. I realized he doodled in his notebook a lot. So when he dropped it, I snatched it up to see what he drew and also so I could return it to him then he might like me a little more. He followed me for a while without saying anything, and I got super nervous. I decided to confront him before he could.

"Just what?" I cut him off.

"Uh, w-well, I was just wondering if y-you had accidentally picked up my notebook," He stammered. "I, uh, need it to study for something really important."

Yeah right, I thought with a slight smile.

"Nice excuse," I retorted with a scoff.

"I-It's not an excuse-"

I interrupted him again, "Honestly, I'm kinda flattered you were stalking me. It's not an ordinary thing being fawned over to this extent, you know?"

"Again, I-I'm not stalking you!" Hosuh desperately exclaimed.

"I find that unlikely," I proceeded to tease. "See, you share one notebook for half of your classes and in the majority of them, I'm certain you have no tests until next week. Is there an ulterior motive to retrieving your notebook?"

Then I realized my mistake. Now he knows that I know so much about him.

Fuck, now he'll be creeped out! I worried.


"Uh, gotta go! Sorry, and good luck with finding your notebook!" I shouted, then bolted.

"H-Hey, wait!" Hosuh called after me.

I knew he wasn't as athletic or as fast as me. His performance in the gym wasn't exceptional. I could easily escape him. However, the next day will probably be rather awkward. But, you know, who cares? Just live in the moment. Then I hear a slight thud, and then a groan.

Was that Hosuh?

(I think i accidentally started talking in present tense from here so uhhhh sorry :)))))))

I turn around and see him on the ground, his knees scraped by a harsh scarlet. My eyes widen, his eyes are narrowed in pain. I instantly race back to him. I crouch down beside him, one hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" I ask. "Do you need any, like, help with getting up?"

"Y-Yeah, I think I'm fine," He mutters between gritted teeth.

I stare at him with doubt as he tries to get up by himself. He quickly stumbles back down. "Ah, take it easy. I think you have a sprained ankle or something," I comment.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Hosuh attempts to reassure me.

"No, you won't. My house is just around the corner, just rest there for a bit. You can call your parents or something there," I say, then hoist him up in my arms bridal style. I also grab both of our bags and carry him back to my house.

After briefly explaining the situation to my mom, I settle down beside Hosuh. His cheeks are slightly tinted like a rose's petals in embarrassment.

"Thanks, by the way," He said quietly.

I smile, "For what, stealing your notebook or causing you to sprain your ankle?"

At that, he giggles slightly, "I'm serious. Thanks for bringing me here."

"It's no problem," I respond as I pull out his notebook from my bag while he's distracted by calling his parents.

I take a peek at a random page that has a cartoony sketch of what appears to be him. Then I flip to another. My face burns crimson as my eyes fall on the page. There are a few little drawings of... me!?

I suddenly close the book, flustered. I stick it back into my bag. Hosuh notices and looks at me, puzzled. I shoot him a soft smile and he brushes it off.

Why are there drawings of me? Oh my god, I can't believe it. Am I actually glad? What's with me?

He hangs up the call and tells us that his dad's on his way to pick him up. We make awkward small talk until we hear a knock on the door.

"Thanks for taking care of him," His father said.

My mom deflects the gratitude as Hosuh and I stand and watch on the sidelines in silence. I hand him back the notebook without saying anything. He glares at me, but also doesn't say anything. Our parents' back-and-forth chat begins to wrap up, and I bid Hosuh one last farewell before saying:

"By the way, I like your drawings," then quickly shut the door.

I should've gotten his number, too.

i hate parallelism and tenses im going to hell ajahaujhajklaidkam

Stephen x Hosuh oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now