Don't Ignore Me- Shadow the hedgehog

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First One-shot! Yeah! So one of the comments of the Shadow fanfic wanted a one-shot of him. So why not make it the first one here. I hope you enjoy!

(Y/n) pov

"Argh!", I groan in anger when I see Shadow running away from me. 


I was walking around at the park when I spotted a certain hedgehog leaning against a tree. It was Shadow, my crush. I started to start having for him when I meet him when Sonic got put in jail in the humans world. He was mysteries and quiet, maybe that's why he stood out more then the other boys. I smiled and went towards him, "Hey Shadow!", I waved at him. He opened his eyes, stood upright straight, and started to walk away from me. 'Huh? Maybe he didn't hear me.' I ran towards him and yelling, "SHADOW!!!", at the top of my lungs. But that made him run. Soon he ran so faster that I couldn't catch up to him. 'How does Amy do this every day?' I saw him run farther away from me. 

*Flashback End*

That was the first time that happened and now it became a routine for me and Shadow. I get pissed every time he runs away from me even if I was in front of me. He kept ignoring me no matter where we are. Now, this was the last straw, I had enough running after him asking why his he ignoring me. I thought of a plan to make him talk and that is to trap him. I just need to find him and tackle him down or at least tie him so he couldn't escape. 

Shadow pov

I walked around the park I was in. The park had a few trees, a lot of colorful flowers, and a little playground where little kids play in. I felt relax when I'm surrounded in nature; mostly because I spent all my past life in space. It wasn't boring, after all, I had Maria. I smiled remembering her smile and the memories I had with her. Then comes a memory with (Y/n), she was laughing with Maria about something. (Y/n) smiles made my heart stop for a second, 'Dammit I should stop this.' Yes, I do have feelings for the little (n/n) but I know she doesn't love me back. She always hangs out with that faker and red echidna. I always see her laugh, heck, blush when they do something stupid. Anger feels me when I remember that stupid red echidna kissed her forehead and made her blushed some much. I clutched my hand to a fist, 'This isn't helping me get rid of these stupid feelings.' Suddenly, a (f/c) blur tackled me down to the ground. I tried to fight it off of me until I realize it was (Y/n). She had both of my hands pinned down against the dirt ground. Her knees pressing both of my legs on the dirt ground as well. Her face was to close to mine making me blush a little. "(Y/n)!?", I asked. My red eyes were looking into her (e/c) eyes. "Why are you ignoring ME!?", she said, screaming the last part out loud. 'She sounds hurt...' "W-what?", i asked pretending I don't know what she means. "Well, you kept ignoring me every time I tried talking to you. So why are you ignoring me?", She asked again but this time she was crying. She slowly let go my hands and slowly stood up on her feet. My eyes widened, "Whoa Whoa Whoa. Don't cry please. I'll explain, just, please", I quickly stood up as well and put a hand on her wet cheek. I blushed all her tears away from her face. She was confused of my actions towards her, "W-w-wh-", I cut her off, "I'm sorry". Her eyes widened, "What?", She asked. I grabbed both of her hands, "I made you feel like I hated you but I don't", then I kissed her hand. I saw her face turn red, "I run away from you because I didn't want to make these stupid feelings grow even more". I felt my face turning red and I turned my face away from hers. "What feelings?", she asked. 'So cute.' I took a deep breathe, "I love you (Y/n) but I know you don't have these feelings towards me". I turned my head away from her, 'Shit I messed up. I should make a run for it.' But before I could, I felt her hands leave mine and put them on my cheeks. She forced me to look at her and she lend towards my lips. My eyes widened, 'She's kissing me!' I pushed those thoughts away and force on the kiss with my crush. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her more close to me. We parted our lips away from each other and looked at each others eyes. "I love you too Shadow", she said blushing. I smiled, "Good", I hugged her and she hugged me back. I felt her breathe against my ear, 

"Don't Ignore Me"

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