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Jeon Jungkook walks through the corridors of his school, hand in hand with his boyfriend Park Jimin. He feels content with their relationship at the moment, feeling like this is the longest they've went peacefully without any drama trying to break them apart. He rubs his thumb lightly over Jimin's knuckles as they continue walking, glancing over at him and giving him a soft smile which Jimin reciprocates along with a slight blush tinting his cheeks. Jungkook looks at him admirably a second more, before turning his attention back forward and continuing to walk through the halls. They turn the corner and enter their home room class, sitting at their usual desks toward the back of the class. The class was only fifteen minutes long and Jungkook loved the class because he always spent all fifteen minutes talking to his boyfriend.


Today though their was some adult standing at the front of the room who he didn't recognize, and by the extremeness of everyone's rowdiness, he was guessing no one else did either.

After a long second of curiosity, he turned to Jimin and begun to talk with him.

"Did you ever finish your essay last night?" he asks him, remembering their face time call last night where Jimin had been working on it.

"Barely, i felt like i was gonna pass out writing it," Jimin sighs.

"What time did you end up sleeping?" Jungkook asks.

"Um.. maybe 2? 2:30?" Jimin figures.

"So you only slept four hours?" Jungkook frowns.

"Yeah, but its alright, i don't feel too tired yet," Jimin reassures him with a sleepy smile.

Jungkook frowns at this, "Do you have practice today?" he asks.

"Only for three hours," Jimin replies.

"Three hours! You're going to be exhausted," Jungkook frowns, looking at Jimin sadly. Recently Jimin's classes have been giving out an excessive amount of homework and he's been sleeping less, eating less, and studying more all on top of his demanding dance schedule and the amount of volunteer work he does.

"Probably," Jimin murmurs.

"Jimin, baby, please humor me for one second," Jungkook begins softly, unsure of how to reason with his stubborn boyfriend.

"Okay," Jimin replies a little confused.

"I know you love all your classes and dance, but your schedule is so busy it's unhealthy for you, you barely have time to eat and sleep and take care of
yourself, you only have time for dance and school. I know you don't want to, but I think you need to drop some things," Jungkook reasons lightly, trying his best to meet Jimin's eyes, which are staring tiredly at his desk.

"I don't know," Jimin starts unsure.

"C'mon baby, look how tired you are," Jungkook reasons again, lightly grabbing Jimin's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I am pretty tired," Jimin agrees with a light smile

"It'll be good for you," Jungkook adds.

"You're right," Jimin agrees after a moment. Jungkook squeezes his hand in response.

"Maybe you should drop some AP classes, then you could take some classes with me," Jungkook smirks, half joking, half serious.

"Maybe," Jimin stretches, chuckling with amusement.


Jungkook was about to continue with their conversation when the bell rung and the woman at the front of the room announced she needed everyone's attention.

She had a firm voice, one Jungkook didn't want to cross so he turned his attention toward her and listened to what she had to say. She discussed how one of the two school counselors were going to be meeting with all of them individually sometime this month to discuss their current gpa and grades, what grades they should be aiming for this year, and which classes they should take in order to benefit their chances for college, and for some graduation. Once she began going into boring details Jungkook found himself trailing off and his mind wandering to think about other things such as football and Jimin.


He found his mind at ease, replaying different plays in his mind and anticipating practice later today, then thinking about his friends and what they might end up doing together over the weekend. He got the sudden idea to go driving down the coast, and he was sure his friends would be down.


Then along with all of his other thoughts in his mind, a more serious thought popped into his head. One he could blame on the boring lady in front of the room. He's growing up and going to college soon. He knew he was going to college, of course as a star football player he was certain since freshmen year he would be provided with a scholarship somewhere, but the thought always seemed so far off. Something so distant in the future that he wouldn't have to worry about, like getting married, or having kids. But now, he realized, college wasn't as far into the future for him as he thought. It was nearing, and instead of being excited his mind was filled with worry.


He suddenly had a million worries and doubts clouding his mind that all surrounded his relationship with Jimin, mostly circulating if they would go to the same college, and a thought he tried to ignore, would they still be together?


All of these new problems hit him out of nowhere and they wouldn't escape his mind and he found himself wishing he could go back to the content state he was in only twenty minutes prior.

blast off

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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