Chapter 1 - Introduction to cupid

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Banging on the steel doors of the elevator as it began rising through the ceiling, swearing to myself mentally I was now going to be late for my interview. Slipping the stiletto heels from my feet and gaining my balance I made my way towards the stairs. Those who passed me as I raced up the steep stairs leading to the main floor questioned me as to why I didn't just wait for the elevator. I had 4 minutes before my interview began and there are 22 floors in this building I'd never make the elevator in time.
The cool slap of the stairs against my feet kept me awake on this frosty December morning, I should've been in bed at this moment in time but unfortunately for me I needed this job more than I liked to say. So here I am out of breath, red in the face and finally on the 16th floor but 12 minutes late.
Panting and spluttering as I tried to catch my breath, an oldish woman in her 60s stared down at me and in her small frail hands she held a glass of water edging it towards me with a crinkled smile on her face.
"Hello dear, I'm Mrs Weston, and you are?" She spoke softly, her small voice resembling a mouse as she stared down at me with wide eyes.
"Clarissa... Holmes, I'm... here for the interview" I spluttered as I stood from the previous position of my hands on my knees. Mrs Weston nodded and began walking ahead, I assumed I was to follow so I began pacing along the plush carpeted floors in only my bare feet. Mrs Weston was a plump woman, with blonde greying hair and tanned wrinkled skin. The chime of the elevator brought me out of my trance as I watched Mrs Weston walk into the steel cage and signalled for me to do the same.
6 floors later we arrived at the top floor, stepping out of the elevator I stared around the miraculous building fit to become a work of art. A glass ceiling let in a beautiful sky light with red velvet chairs, white tiles and cream carpeted rugs filled the open planned offices. Everyone worked in the same space all apart from a rather large oak door at the end of the room intriguing me more than I wanted it too.
Mrs Weston wandered through the door and shut it tightly behind her leaving me standing in the middle of floor 22 holding my shoes in my hands and looking like I had a rough night out on the town.
Quickly I began pressing down my tight fitted skirt pulling the hem down lower, to keep some modesty which the skirt was happily depriving me of. Twisting my long blonde hair into a ponytail I grimaced at the reflection staring back at me through the glass windows. Holding tightly onto the railing leading down to the stairs I began attempting to put my cheap knock off high heels on. The tightness of the shoe making it hard to stand in them.
Finally tugging at the second shoe I pulled it on tightly but unfortunately for me my foot became wrapped in the plush cream rug causing me to trip and collide on my face.
The scratching surface of the carpet rubbed against my skin as I began pulling myself off the floor in embarrassment.
Standing from my previous position I was met with the face of a man, scorn and disgust covering his features as he stared down at me with a briefcase in one hand and a file in the other.
He didn't even give me a second glance as he shouted for Mrs Weston.
The rumble of his manly voice gave chills deep within. His long fingers as they stroked through his hair and his thick lips curving into a scowl as he awaited on Mrs Weston.
Before long Mrs Weston came scurrying through to stand face to face with the handsome stranger.
"Yes sir" she spoke quietly her soft voice causing the frown to deepen on his face.
"Escort this woman out of my building please and bring up my coffee" he barked at her, trails of spit leaving his mouth as Mrs Weston remained staring at him placidly
"I'm sorry sir but Miss Holmes is here for your 2.30pm interview for the place of your secretary". She whispered back a pathetic reply compared to his commands. I watched in amazement as she shifted from foot to foot as he stared back at her like a lion ready to pounce on its prey. His eyes shifted from her for a moment down to his watch then back at me. A dark smirk covering his lips.

"It's 2.57pm Ms Holmes, I do not take well to tardiness".
"Granted, however Mr-"
"Maxwell" he interrupted
"Mr Maxwell, I have references to prove this mishap would not happen again" I oozed confidence, I didn't care if he believed me or not but every little help was needed at this point this job was my only hope.
" I don't take kindly to false promises. Miss Holmes. You have 15 minutes step into my office" he bellowed as he directed me through into the large oak doorway. Behind it sat two desks, a large corner sofa and a book shelve which could take up my entire living room wall.
The slam of the door brought my attention to him. His dark navy suit stuck to him showing off every ounce of muscle he possessed.
His dark eyes stared deeply into mine as he made his way over to me. One large step at a time. Backing up I found myself pressed against the bookshelves, Charles Dickens making a large dent into my elbow as he crept closer.
Grasping my hands that reached out to keep some distance between us he pinned them tightly above my head. Using his lower body to push us tightly together. Pressing his nose against my neck as he began kissing up to my earlobe, the feel of his hot breath on my neck I was powerless. It had been years since a man had touched me like this.
"You drive me crazy Miss Holmes" he panted against my cheek
The clench between my thighs became almost unbearable
I wanted him to touch me, to hold me and claim me As his. But he didn't quickly pushing himself away from me. He wandered round to stand behind his desk protected from the heat between us.. His features torn and his chest heaving as he left me standing there a spluttered mess leaning helplessly against the bookshelves.
"Take a seat Miss Holmes" he directed coldly, his long fingers pointing towards the plush chair daring me to defy him. Walking towards the seat straightening my skirt I sat down. My eyes trained on him refusing to back down. The tension between us could be cut with a knife.
"So, miss Holmes lets begin". He spoke sharply
After endless questions and formalities, Mrs Weston finally entered the office to make us aware his next meeting had arrived and it was finally over, standing to shake his hand I smiled wearily at him as Mrs Weston returned back through the doorway into the lobby
"Thank you, when will you be in touch if I have gotten the job or not?" I questioned peering up at him with hopeful eyes.
"You haven't" he replied bluntly and in that moment my heart sunk.
He began walking towards the large oak door separating us from the public office just a few steps away as he waited on me leaving.
"Can I ask why?" I whispered quietly
"Your not what I'm looking for miss holmes" he sharply replied holding the door open edging me to leave.
"Not a whore for your pleasure you mean" I scoffed loudly. Now I was angry, how dare he ?!
"Not at all, it's because you are, that makes you incapable to carry out this position"
Raising my hand, I slapped him sharply across the face the slap echoing throughout the room turning heads as the anger between us erupted.
"And you're just an arrogant piece of shit who's too far up his ass to focus on the real problems, people like me suffer with" and with that comment I stormed out of the office. Into the elevator never once looking back.
Standing inside the elevator, the anger inside me bubbled away , ready to explode.
The ding signalling, I had arrived at the first floor , I was emotionally and physically drained. Walking out of the building. Could I feel any worse? Stepping out onto the curb trying to call a taxi, raising my foot to step closer to the sidewalk , I barely had a moment to react when I felt the heel of my stiletto snap from underneath me. Grasping the heels in my hand I tried to repair the damage but nothing could be done , standing in line waiting on my taxi arriving as rain began soaking me through my blouse, drenching me to the core. My blazer barely covered me and the feeling of coldness flooded through me. The matted mess called my hair , covering my eyes as the taxi halted to a stop splashing a puddle of water all over me soaking me from head to toe.
"Alright missy,pop in and tell me where your off to" he chatted loudly in a northern english accent. His dark eyes creased as he held back a laugh from the scene before him.
Describing my destination and being given a price. I reached into my pocket to pull out my purse but came up empty.
Searching my bag for my purse , my search was useless it was gone .
"You alright missy?" He laughed loudly at me, spitting out his words
"I can't seem to find my purse-" unable to finish my sentence before the taxi came to a halt, my head bashing off the window at the extreme speed the car stopped at.
"No fee, no ride". He shouted as he opened the taxi door and pulled me out into the rain that was lashing down.
Unable to say anything after begging for him to make an exception as I watched him drive away, down the road. Stood in a broken heel, a pounding head, a soaked through blouse and no purse I found myself sink deeper into the anger I felt right now. Holding back a silent scream as I kept on walking clutching tightly onto my blazer for warmth. I was at least fifteen minutes away from my apartment now and I couldn't wait to get home.

Arriving home, I was well and truly drenched, sniffling as I turned the handle walking into the living room and landing onto the couch. I had no motivation to do anything anymore. Ollie bounced onto my lap purring away endlessly , at least one of us had a good day I thought to myself. Stripping out of my wet clothes and pouring myself a glass of wine I retreated into the bathroom to wash away my sorrows.
I was startled by the loud sound of banging upon my door, choosing to ignore it I sunk further into the bath tub the bubbles oozing away any thoughts surrounding my mind. Closing my eyes, forgetting everything.
Once again I was interrupted with the loud sound of banging upon the door. Standing in the bathtub, quickly trying to get to the door find out what the urgency is. Grasping my robe from the back of the bathroom door, the soft white material covering my skin as I tied the robe shut. Quickly stepping onto the tiles to make my way to the front door, I lost my footing as Elbow collided with the edge of the sink, cursing to myself I stormed out of the bathroom and flung open the front door to find no one there.
"What the fuck " I screamed to myself, making Ollie jump from his seated position on the couch in fear. Slamming the front door shut I began cursing to myself
"Now now Clarissa that is no way for a lady to speak, is it?" A voice bellowed from behind me, humour laced in every word
turning to face the voice, I came face to face with a man, In his thirties I'd say staring back at me with a smirk Across his face. "What are you doing here? How did you get in here? Leave immediately. My husband will be home soon and won't be happy with you here". I lied. I had met guys like him before. In a bad neighbourhood like this it wasn't uncommon for men to break into apartments. It happened all the time.
"Now Clarissa lying will get you nowhere. We both know you have no love in your life. That is why I am here" he smirked at me, his face giving nothing away as I stood there shocked I found it hard to speak. I didn't know what to say, how did he know these things
"Oh how rude. Let me introduce myself, my names Cupid and I am here to help you find your soulmate".

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