Chapter Ten

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The Sports Festival was less than exciting. You already knew the majority of what was going to happen, so you ended up just finding a nice, quiet corner for you to read your books. You heard the commotion of everything happening, sure, but you didn't really care about it. You'd never been the type to be interested in watching people fight each other anyways. It was different when it was animated than it was in real life.

You ended up being sought out by Nezu, who gave you some pills that he'd concocted to help your body adjust to your stay in this world.

"If you take these until you run out, you shouldn't have to worry about the possibility of dying anymore," he'd told you. You decided not to question how or why he'd gotten his hands on them and just took the fucking pills. He was being kind, you supposed. Not wanting an innocent girl to die because of unfortunate circumstances was the heroic thing to do.

It didn't stop you from being suspicious of him. There was just... something off about the rat mutant. You couldn't place your finger on it just yet, but you knew that there was something up with him. The only question was what exactly it was.

Sir Nighteye still hadn't messaged you back, either. At first, you thought it was because he was busy, but now you weren't quite so sure. You doubted that he was the type of person to just leave you hanging. You were suspicious as to what had happened with him, so you decided that you'd pay him a visit tomorrow- just to be sure that he was alright.

For today, however, you had decided to go to the library to pick up more books on the multiverse theory. Aizawa had been hesitant to drop you off there without a way back home, but you assured him that you had the directions to be able to walk back. Eventually, he relented, leaving you with his library card and a bit of money for the vending machines.

You smiled to yourself as you opened the doors to the library. It had been so long since you'd been able to go inside one. Even at home, you had been too busy to visit. You'd have to fix that once you got back. Regardless, the feeling of being surrounded by books was something that was especially comforting to you.

It helped that the library itself was almost empty. You still felt awkward as you sat down in the chair in front of one of the computers, quietly typing in "the multiverse" into the library's search engine. Hundreds of different books popped up, and you frowned. You'd never be able to get through all of those. You edited your search to "theories on the multiverse" and it narrowed your findings to only a few dozen.

It took you a while to find where they were at, but once you did, you grinned, pulling out as many of the books as you possibly could. You skimmed through them, trying to make sure that they were the types of books that you wanted before setting the ones you planned on checking out in a pile.

You had seven total that you ended up taking to the checkout. The librarian looked rather surprised to see you with that many books, but she checked you out anyways, mumbling something about teens and their hyperfixations these days. She told you that you had three weeks to read them, and you nodded at her in thanks before leaving the library.

Aizawa's house was down the block and around the corner, you reminded yourself. You'd seen the library enough times on the way to UA that you'd memorized how close it was to Aizawa's house. You shifted the books' weight in your arms, walking slowly to appreciate the warmth of the setting sun.

You held your phone tightly in your hand as it got darker, having Aizawa on speeddial- just in case. Things were going great until you felt a hand wrap around your arm, dragging you into one of the nearby alleyways. The books you'd been carrying skidded across the floor as you dropped them, trying to press the call button on your phone. Unfortunately, in all of the commotion, you ended up dropping that too.

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