The next day, I went to the shops to do my everyday shopping since I had no food in the house. I grabbed some wine because I felt abit boring and just fancied a drink for when I got back and you never know, maybe he'd come home with me you've always got to be prepared. I decided to clean and tidy my house up and reorganise things and put things I didn't want Jake to see up in safe keeping and away out of sight. By the time I'd finished all out this it was 5:59pm which meant it was about time to get ready. I jumped into the shower washed my hair and cleaned myself up. Then I jumped out I brushed my teeth so my breath smelt nice for him. I dried my hair and then straightened it then put it half up half down in a bun.
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Then got changed into a sexy but cute outfit... Outfit⬇️
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Then the shoes option, well I was going to wear heals but I went for trainers instead... Shoes⬇️
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I had my nails done the day before and they are like this:
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My make up was lovely.
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It was now 6:58pm which means I only had two minuets to pick the perfect bag!
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And after this I heard beep beep and I was off and away!