Humble beginnings

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I looked out the window for the third time this period,it was a free period anyway.

"Wow, it's pretty"I heard someone say,I turned my head in the direction of the voice. It was Mia talking to Avery, both of them are know bitches and all, but they're more like the followers,don't let me get started on Ashley, she's the one on top.

"I know right, Ashley told Aiden to get it for her"Avery replied.

Right,I believe she made him get it for her, but something's got to be involved it can't be for free, nothing's free when it comes to him. I sighed, getting my notebook, it's not a diary if that's what you're thinking.

It's just a mini-notebook where I write down Important notes in class not feelings, NOTES:- I'm sorry I have to lay emphasis.

I wasn't looking where I was going as I had buried my head in my book,yes I'm a nerd but that doesn't mean I'll put up with them, by them, I mean A³ that's Ashley, Avery and Mia, don't be surprised, Mia's a clear idiot, I mean her name clearly begins with with an M not an A, but Ashley says since she has an A in her name, why not mix the name and so from Mia it's now Ami hence the A³.

Anyway, I came crashing into someone before landing on the floor, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see a girl with fiery red locks bending her knees, with her hands stretched out to help me, I took her hand as she pulled me up.

"Thanks" I said dusting the imaginary dust from my jeans, she giggled.

"I'm dusting myself" I said looking at her curiously.

"Sure, anyway my name is Hailey, I've never seen you around are you new" she said, speaking quickly might I add.

I'm kind of invisible around here so I'm kinda used to people to not seeing me" I said smiling though it didn't quite reach my eyes.

"You're smiling but I know it's fake" she said holding my notebook out to me concern laced in her voice.

I smiled but this time it was real, it was nice to meet someone new. she smiled at me showing her white teeth.

"You need the perfect highschool experience and I'll give you the world" she said energetically, smiling widely.

"But you don't even know me why are you so concerned" I asked genuinely confused.

"Because you, miss invisible need one me in your life and I've come to stay" she said.

"Actually, my name is Alexis" I said putting my hand forward for a handshake.

"Well Alexis, I have a proposition for you"she said putting her hand in mine

"What's that" I asked looking at our hands then back at her."Best friends?" She asked smiling.

"Well that's not the normal way of hitting it off but who goes for cliche's anyway right?" I said asking a question at the same time.

That's so true, I like our humble beginning" she said and with that we sealed it with a final handshake.

Well you have it. My first official book, I'm so happy, I had already started writing books at a young age, so now that I have the opportunity to share one of them I couldn't wait.

Obviously there will be more but for now please enjoy this my book ND don't hate 🙇 if you don't like it, I accept reconstructive criticism....or you can shove it!

Also don't forget to come or share or do whatever you want just please give my book a chance it will mean a lot🤗

I want to have like an interactive well should I say story book with u I would like to know who you are and where your from and if you like my books . Till next time darlings.😊 Oh don't forget to share, comment and, or vote. Maybe all three I don't mind😂. So let's call it cotere? No, ok 😂

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