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The thick air of a freshly-rained afternoon greeted him after he began his journey afoot. The umbrella did a fine job at protecting his skin from the sun; he couldn't exactly pinpoint which way its beams were shooting for, nonetheless, even dirt pavement reflected its effulgent brilliance. It was indeed bright. And how he ached to be fast asleep right now.

He walked as he always did, no lack in finesse or justification. And yes, he blended in well. Townswomen simply regarded him as another beautiful, straight-nosed gentleman as his mysterio and elegance had caught the eye of many. A time of ease was upon him - all he needed to do was to play that role. It was like playing a Two-stringed puppet; having the minds of half of the city in your hands to mold like clay.

He thought lab's case was despairing in itself. Her jaw was as strong and sculpted as her attitude. People observed that her eyes were glassy and lacking in emotion; Noone connected with her. And its why she's been stuck in the house all week. It's why they're still hungry.

They are young vampires; Lab being turned when she was only 19 has gifted her the ability to look relatively the same for the past 29 years. She was used to being adorned; looks or none, it was about her. When she wanted Ètude for eternity, she made sure she'd have Èt in the palm of her neat little hands. Oh, and forever. Though etude was technically 'older', he's only been a vampire for 28 years.

He remembered it all like it was yesterday - when they were still in "love".


Ètude knew where he was going. Architecture was equal parts necessary and interesting;
he was a man that could work with his hands. They never taught it in schools, but he was enveloped.

Rulers varying in length and thickness lined the workdesk in the living room.
He liked when his sketches popped up from the papyrus like casted photos, and when noone could quite exactly recreate it because it was all him. His mind, his power, and his pencil. You wouldn't see a smarter cookie for miles.

Labyrinthe, surprisingly, was someone of similar stature. Atleast what she could get at this timeframe - A journalist, minoring architecture. What she planned to do was unknown to him and herself, but she was fun. They rattled through highschool, struggling to play the roles of lovebirds. She admired his boldness and how easy of a chat he was, and he.... was entertained. Usually lured in by her ghastly eyes and ever-changing emotions. Though all the funny business slowed as she hit 19, she felt oddly close to him, and this closeness didn't simmer deeper within the year. He had much different plans, growing uncaring and indifferent. She was fun. Now was the time for seriousness, he was knocking on 20's door while she still wanted to play chase behind the merchants' stands. Had he been the bored, doll-eyed boy he was 4 years ago, he would've taken that offer in a heartbeat. Sir Aoste loved to have his cake and often enjoyed eating it too. But now, he noticed something different about the girl he thought of more fondly as a sister. And it wasn't getting any better.

He remembered definitively - The ache and wonder, to leave this place and pursue his education was a thousand times more persistent and apparent than the puny, grasping hunger that eyed him as a husband.

It was so strong it was still aflame today.
Things were all so different back then. Even when it first started, the blood-hunger. But that too, Lab was to blame for.

He hadn't even saw her at all that day.
Or most of the week, for the matter. A feeling deep within his heart almost begun to miss her dark hair and striking eyes, though his love for her was limited. There was a personality that stuck out to him enough and it was hers.

Besides, he knew something was wrong with his friend when the two were lounging out - where exactly was something he easily forgot - Regardless, she was the type to be comforted by the presence of another person. There were faint dots on her neck; not aligned perfectly, in fact they went in an odd diagonal line. The odd placement led to the belief that they were simply freckles and that was the end of it.

When he left for home that night, he had forgotten all of the disposition of his friend or of the trouble he had caused her.

For Labyrinthe, It was easy. Vampirism wasn't prominently difficult to seize, and it was purely dependent on adversity. While the people of the town were terrified and masked to it, she galloped towards it. And grabbed it, held it tight to her.

There was a conclusion; that she let herself be the only option for him. On the 6th night of her complete disappearance, she had a servant invite her into his home, deep into the night, quiet and calculating.

She stayed, hidden in his room until he decided to sleep.

And just before the morning,
She struck him like lightening, and turned him as well.

He couldn't help but slip out of his memories.. There was presently a great absence in emotion. A lapse in life, in, ardor. The.. disease she gave him muted all sensation. He was now not man, but duty. The details had lost their valor within the years, the last of it slipping away with the breeze.

He looked the sow in the eyes. It was empty of all life and it almost reminded him of himself.

" Very fair sow in your possession. How much? "

" Live one out back, 10. Dead 5.5. "
A moment of silence was between them; Etude looking at the live pig and the Merchant watching him watch it.

" Aren't you that fancy fellow up by the road? "

" That I am. "

" What a nice quid you've got on your arms. "
He assumed he was insinuating Lab. He shrugged.

" She's everything. " Both men rolled into a delightful chuckle, but it was a bitter funny that died quickly. Maybe like that pig. It hadn't collected flies yet, And it'd be best to get it while it was fresh. " Hmmm. Say, I'll give you both for 15. "

" I thank you. "

He handed him 15. And rented a mule to carry the live one back.

The sun was still very high in the sky, and what felt like 4 hours was mistifyingly one and a half. The radiation bouncing off the white dirt itself burned his skin, almost destroying his need for the parasol all together. Humid and deathly Hot.

Peaking from under his parasol, he passed by a person purchasing a horse. Due to the very modern clothes they wore, he mightve taken them as a man instead of a lady. Or was it the other way around? He could tell not.
Nervously, he shifted so that he could have a look at the face. Of course, it was the city cat Labyrinthe was talking about. You were oddly kind to it and allowed it to eat from the cup of your hand, ignoring all things beside it. What a beautiful example of care.

Has anyone been so gentle to him? Maybe an educator or two in the very far past. But it's all gone now.
He wondered if it was possible to escape a relationship. If he persecuted her for hysteria, they'd be found out as beasts.. If he looked to divorce her she would do something just as bad. And what would the people here think... It was impossible.

The horse tentatively shook its mane when there was no more food, and Etùde tied the skinny mule to the post outside, carrying the carcass animals in through the front door.

You heard movement far in the distance and looked up to see your neighbor's door opening and closing. Ah. Had the woman from earlier finally left her cave? Hmm.
Besides the distraction, you made good use of the saddle and tried out your horse for the first time. It wasn't difficult at all, and it was an honest, easy ride.

" Do you take us for lords? "
He spun around to face the voice.

" Wuh? "
" I never took you for the sloppy kind. "
Confusion now took hold of the conversation and backpedaled it word by word.

" Excuse me. "

" Oh, A mule!? What will we even do with it? "
He had a moment of embarrassment, and anger, and then... defeat?
" I've grown weaker. I possess little to no strength nowadays. "
She smacked her teeth and inspected the dead animal placed on the table. It was still a little warm. The blood of a heifer was sour and made your breath foul. A mule, however, is a million times worse. Atleast the common cow has enough poise to be more than walking luggage, while a horse has enough delegation to be large enough to actually carry things efficiently.

What in the world would they do with an ass. Lab wondered if Étude was even capable of critical thought anymore...
The duo dined in uneasy silence. And, then they slept.

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