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Alex arrived at the L-Corp Halloween party after working late at the DEO. She didn't like L-Corp parties. But Lena Luthor was her girlfriend, even though they hadn't officially announced their relationship yet. Lena had insisted Alex be there. Alex had given up and said yes to her after a few glasses of whiskey and some very sweet love making, she just couldn't refuse the Luthor and it drove her crazy the hold that Lena had over her. Alex had fallen hard. It hadn't been like with Maggie, where it was all lust first and love later, with Lena she had grown to love her over time after forming a strong friendship first. So to Alex it felt like she had finally found her soulmate. The one.

So here Alex was, in her best new designer suit and tie that Lena had given to her on her birthday, her hair was slicked back neatly, all ready to impress Lena Luthor. Alex walked into the large event room with confidence. She got some attention from women as she walked through the crowded room. But her deep dark eyes were only on one thing and that was finding her one true love.

"Director Danvers, well aren't you looking dapper, that is a beautiful blue suit," Jess, who was Lena's assistant was one of the few people who knew they were seeing each other as more than friends.

Alex smiled, "Thanks, Lena chose it."

"Lena always did have exceptional taste." Jess smiled back admiring the director trying to make it obvious she wasn't just referring to her attire.

"Have you seen Lena?" Alex asked as she looked around the room totally oblivious to the attention Jess was giving her.

"She was here a minute ago, she couldn't have gotten far," Jess grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray and handed it to Alex, "Relax Alex, have a drink," she said flirtily.

Alex took the champagne and raised an eyebrow at Jess, took a sip of the bubbly amber liquid, then she handed it back to her as fast as she had taken it, "Hold this for me, I think I see her."

Jess watched Alex walk away with a sigh, how did Lena get so lucky.

Alex made her way through the crowd of people who were milling about or dancing, and as she got closer to where Lena stood she realised that she wasn't alone. There was a woman with her, one she didn't recognise. She was a brunette, long hair and very sophisticated. Alex watched Lena interact with the stranger before continuing to approach them. She was stopped in her tracks when she saw what they did next.


Lena kept checking her watch. She knew Alex often got caught up in work and she accepted that her lover wouldn't always make it to her events but this one was special. It was their first Halloween together and Lena loved to put on a great party for her friends and associates. She wanted Alex beside her and especially tonight because this was the night she wanted to reveal to everyone who was important to her, that she was dating Alex Danvers. She even wore the tight black dress that revealed her perfect cleavage that Alex loved so much. While she waited people approached her and she mingled, speaking to her guests.

Just as she was about to find somewhere private so she could call Alex on her phone and check where she was a very familiar face from her past handed her a glass of champagne.

"Lena, you are missing something." The brunette smiled.

"Miss Rojas." Lena replied formally greeting her old friend from boarding school and taking the glass.

"Why so formal Lena, I remember the days when you only called me that when you were about to..."

Lena looked alarmed and irritated and stopped the next words leaving Andrea Rojas mouth, "That was a long, long time ago," she handed the glass back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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