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It was a rainy day.
Jisoo was on her way home when it suddenly began to rain.




Her school uniform soaked and her hair wet.
She randomly ran in a near by shop to wait for the rain to stop. There was a little sign hanging on the door which read Magic shop.

She pushed the door open, revealing a cute little book shop.

Jisoo POV.


I walked around the place, stunned by it's prettiness.
Huge wooden shelves stood from the ground to the top. The hazel brown parquet flooring was shining and different books were stapled on random places.
Vintage looking lights hanging down the roof, giving the place a more mysterious vibe.

I spotted a seat near the window which had pretty good view from the streets of Seoul.

I was just about to move my lazy ass there, but then i heard a deep comforting voice behind me.

,Do you maybe need some help?'

I turned around and saw a guy in front of me.

He's kind of good looking?...
No,Wait what am I even thinking.

,No I think I'm fine, thank you' i replied and smiled at him.

,Are you sure you don't look that fine though' he chuckled.

I didn't really know what he was talking about ,but then i realized that the floor was literally wet because of me...

,Sorry' I gulped.
,Ehhm i can clean it up if you want' i quickly added.

I looked at the floor feeling a little embarrassed.

,It's no big deal, i will take care of it. Here take this'  He gave me a towel and showed me an unique smile. It looked like a rectangle. How cute.

,t-thanks'  i stuttered, when a light blush crept onto my face.

,By the way my Name is Kim Taehyung'  He handed me his hand and i gladly shook it.

,Kim Jisoo' i flashed him a smile and i swear i think i saw him blush a little.

,ehhmm sooo if you need anything just ask me, cause i work here...part time and yeah' he stuttered.

I just smiled and nodded my head he then
immediately went behind the counter to get some tissues and wipe the wet spots on the floor.

I just sat there reading a random book that i found pretty interesting.

'It's getting pretty hot in here, isn't it?'

Feeling like someone was starting at me I looked up from the book and saw Taehyung looking at me. He quickly turned his head away from me and continued his work.

I blinked a few times and shrugged it off.

I ended up buying it and went out from the shop. Heading straight home.

,Bye bye, tae' i smiled at him as we bid our goodbyes.

,y-yeah, bye and thank you for your visit at Magic shop,hope you come back soon' he said and smiled widly at me showing me his perfect teeth.

I immediately responded with a big grin on my face.

,I will definitely'

I almost threw myself on my bed because of how tired i was. I just laid there and thought about the things that happened today.
School, Homework, Friends and Taehyung.
I remembered how cute his smile was and how nice he was to me. His soft grey hair just slightly ended above his brown mesmerizing eyes. His strong facial futures and his perfect shaped nose.

,Actually...he is really...handsome?' I thought. But then immediately scolded myself for that thought.

Then i remembered how i called him tae.
How could i give someone a nickname that i only spoke with for 2 minutes?
Now he's going to think that I like him or so.

,Good job Jisoo'

,Damn that stupid habit of mine' I muttered under my breath.

I buried my face in my pillow and slowly I've fallen asleep...

thinking of Taehyung.

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