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Taehyung's POV:

It was a usual day.
I was working at my uncles bookshop after school to earn some extra money. sitting behind the counter desk, waiting for the day to end. I was currently starring out of the window, until it stared to rain.




Raindrops began falling on the windowpane and the fresh smell of rain filled the area.


The door opens revealing a girl in her wet school uniform. Her hair also wet from the rain. She didn't seem to notice me so i approached her. She was starring out of the window with her schoolbag in her hand. 

,Do you maybe need some help?'

Then she turned around.
A strand of wet hair behind her ear, revealing a little bit of her neck and collarbones.
Her white milky skin shining under the sunlight and her pink heart shaped lips forming into a smile.
God that smile...it's gorgeous.

I tried not to show how effected i was from that smile. I did pretty good though.

,No, I think I'm fine, thank you' she answered.

I just chuckled, seeing how not fine she was.

,Are you sure you don't look that fine though'

She looked a little confused at first. Then she seemed to notice that she just dripped the whole floor wet.

,i can clean it up if you want' she added.

She looked at the floor a little embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed slightly red. Cute.

,it's no big deal, i will take care of it. here take this'
I smiled and handed her a towel to dry herself with.

She just stuttered a little 'thank's' and heat rose up her now pinky face.

Hehe cute. I thought.

,By the way my name is Kim Taehyung' i introduced myself. I handed her my hand and she gladly accepted it.

,Kim Jisoo' then she flushed me a smile.
A heart shaped smile.

I'm sure that that smile alone can kill a man and make every girl jealous. It was just so beautiful.

Get yourself together man.

,Uhhmm soooo if you need anything just ask me, cause i work here....part time and yeah' i stuttered like an idiot.

mental facepalm.
mental facepalm.
mental facepalm.

I just went behind the counter and scolded myself for being overly nervous. I never behave like that around other girls. Shoving that thought away, i took some tissues and began to wipe the wet floor.

I was just doing fine until i looked up and noticed a extreme beauty sitting beside the window. Jisoo was currently reading a book.

She slowly moved her hand through her hair so that her neck and collarbones were relieved. Her hand slowly moved down to her neck then on the collar of her blouse, slightly pulling at it. Then she unbuckled
the top button and then the second.


Now her cleavage was revealed...
She kinda looks hot

She's looking at me. I think she noticed me starring at her. I quickly looked away and continued wiping the floor.

A little later she bought the book she was reading and it was time for her to go.

,bye bye, tae' she said to me. Giving me That deadly heart shaped smile of hers.

,y-yeah,bye and thank you for your visit at magic shop, hope you come backs soon' i showed her a big smile.

,i will,definitely' and with that she left the shop.

,Huh' i exhaled and plopped on the chair.

feeling my heat bumping against my chest and a wired feeling in my tummy.
I ignored it.
Maybe it was the chicken that i ate this morning.

Or was it something else?

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