The preparation

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Hey guys! I know I said I was going to change the writing style, but I wanted to give you all a description of what's happening in all the different ships at a time, I'm still doing 1-5 paragraphs on each ship for next chapter.

Pic it of my Rikkakuma bear.

This chapter is mostly in Camie's Pov, just because it's easier to write for her thoughts and stuff. I'm sorry, I'm also working on a Halloween special. That's why this came out later that expected.

There might not be a lot of detail because I'm just trying to lead up to the event fyi. I promise that later on I'll change and do what I promised, but for now, enjoy!

Camie's Pov

When we all wake up, we all groggily go back to the dorms. I don't really remember much, I was half asleep for most of it. The only things I'm a hundred percent sure about is that I'm tired, and I have a date with Bakubabe tomorrow with all the other couples.

I get to my dorm, and flop on the bed. I wonder, what the heck did Mina mean by she "had everything covered"? With that girl, you won't ever know what the heck she's planning. That's one of the reasons I have a kinda hard time trusting her.

Eh, probably should get some food. Then maybe I'll take a shower and nap or something. I sadly roll off my bed, and walk to the door in a daze, thinking about food. Maybe I'll get soba. Maybe noodles. I don't know!

I reach the bottom floor via elevator, and sit down at the table. I hear a voice, and it asks me if I want food. I say yes, not caring who the voice is coming from. I'll eat food, then talk later.

I look around. Izuocha is snuggling on the couch with Uraraka asleep on Midoriya's shoulder. Todomomo is studying on the opposite end, I guess Todoroki wanted to know what Yao-Momo has to do for her quirk. TokoTsuyu isn't here, probably because Tokoyami likes to be alone.

IidaMei is sitting on the carpet, with Iida replacing Hatsume's bandages while they talk. I wish that Kendo were here, but I bet she's satisfied with TetsuTestu by her side. Kaminari is passed out, and Jirou is next to him playing with his his hair. Adorable! But why's Kirishima alone?

I hear some sizzling and look back to the front of the table. I see... is that really... Bakubabe? Well he's in some kind of apron. Never knew that he knows how to cook. Then again, by looking at him, you'd never know that he knows how to cook.

In a couple of minutes (long minutes. Give me my food now!) he's done and drops a plate in front of my face. "Eat up. Before I change my mind." He scoffs, and turns around. I decide that's not enough and tease him even more. "Why thank you." I say in my cutest voice possible.

I here him "tch" and I can almost feel him blushing from all the way over here. Eh, that's enough. I scarf down the noodles, and discover that they have some spice in it. But it's no biggie, I love spice. As portrayed in the "milk" incident, I'm fine with it.

As I'm sitting there happily with a full stomach surrounded by all the new couples, I ask Kirishima, "Where's Mina?" He shrugs. "Don't know. Making me worried about what she's planning."

Now I'm actually starting to panic. What's she planning? I bet that it has to do with the 'date' all the couples are going on tomorrow. She had everything covered... that means... we are...

"YO GUYS START PACKING WE GOTTA LEAVE IN AROUND A DAY TO GETTI THE PLACE I WANT TO GO TO!!!" Mina shouts, coming out of the elevator looking like at total wreck and ripping pages out of her notebook.

But all of us know not to disobey her when she looks like....that. I jump up, feeling a jolt of energy. All of the girls and boys take off in the directions of the elevators. Looks like TetsuKendo and TokoTsuyu are going to be yelled at for not listening. Those poor souls.

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