Blue skies

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"Hello? Hello! Are you awake?" You heard a voice ". You opened my eyes to see two boys on your
sides. "Oh good your awake, are you okay?." You rubbed your head and looked at both of them, one of them had white hair with slightly pinkish tips and green eyes while the other looked more normal, being a brunette with brown eyes and a white shirt and tie. "I'm Hajime Hinata, I can't remember my ultimate but I think I can remember soon." He smiled, he was kinda cute. "I'm Nagito Komaeda, I have Ultimate luck, I know it's pretty useless but its good for some things." He smiled, 'Oh noooo another cute boy, this is so horrible' you thought, giggling to yourself. "Well I guess I should introduce myself, I'm y/n l/n, and I have one of the worst ultimates ever, Bad.Luck." you said standing up and scratching your head. Nagito looked interested while Hajime looked confused. "Wow thats so cool! Maybe your Despair inducing bad luck can leave more hope to grow within the world!" He said as he cupped your hands together and got really close. Your face turned bright red due to how close he was, Hajime looked at you guys close a bit annoyed and butted in "We should probably talk to the others."

After talking to all the people on the island you were all told to meet back up at the Beach, you were confused but went anyways. A pink bunny that looked like a magical girl appeared. She explained that you were on a fun school trip, so she wanted us to go swimming, The sad thing is that you couldn't swim. But you didn't wanna be a downer so you went and changed along with everyone accept the few people that either didn't like swimming or just didn't wanna swim. You walked back onto the sand only to trip over a seashell and crash right into the water after crushing ibuki's sandcastle. "NOOOOO! IBUKI'S MASTERPIECE IS NOW CRUSHED" she cried dramatically. Luckly you felt someone catch you before they fell into the water with you. They got up from the salty water pulling you up too. It was Hajime and d a m n w a s h e h o t. You were holding onto his shoulders until he mentioned it and you turned beet red and sat back onto the sand. You helped ibuki bulid her sandcastle again and before you could put the finished touched the sun disappeared into the grey clouds.

You all ran back to change and were met with a voice on the monitor telling you to meet at the park. Once you did you realized that it was gonna be a long, long time before you could ever go back to living a normal life. Because you were forced to be present in a killing school trip. Everyone left being slightly scared or REALLY scared. You walked in your cottage and later on your bed, closing the blinds and any source of outside light, but kept a small light you had on, just in case. Soon you drifted asleep. The next day you heard a knock at your door, you yelled "WHO IS IT?" In a annoyed but trying to sound u bothered tone. "Uh it's Hajime. We're all having breakfast, come join us." He said, and walked away. You regreted your attitude for a few minutes then got ready, you put your normal shirt on with a skirt and left. While looking at cottages you realized yours in right between Hajime's and Komaeda's. 'Good to know'. You got to the cafeteria and as soon as you sat down twogami spoke, "Now that everyone is here I shall speak, I refuse to let us kill each other so I shall throw a party and no one shall die!" He spoke like it was a speech, I yawned and started eating, ignoring anything else. Nagito brought up the idea of pulling straws,  (instead of one red stick we have two for plot reasons :D) and you and nagito got the red sticks, so you guys had to clean it. You walked in. You were sweeping until nagito spoke. "Why don't you like your talent?". You looked at him like he was crazy "It only gets me into trouble!"

Komaeda suddenly grabbed your wrist, and pushed you against the wall, you froze but you face turned bright red quickly, he lifted your chin up, "I think theres more to you than just bad luck, maybe, I wanna see that...but what would I know.." you turned red but out of defense you did the only thing you could think of and kissed him to distract him. You pushed him back and ran out. Passing Hinata who was about to walk in. You ran away with regret. You opened your cottage and felt onto your bed. The only words in your mind were. 'Why did I kiss him'. You drifted off and woke up with a knock at the door.
It was Hajime.

Nagito x reader x hajime Where stories live. Discover now