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"i miss her. i miss her a lot. i miss talking to her. i miss her presence. i miss her too much." it was 3pm on a monday afternoon, the week after the incident. the two eunbi's were at their class, the younger ranting to older about how much she missed umji already.

"you really like her." eunha shook her head as she focused on her text book. "of course i do.."

"miss hwang and miss jung, please stop talking and continue reading the chapter i assigned you all to read." the teacher glued his eyes to the two girls. sinb and eunha sighed and started to read whatever they needed to read.

eventually, the school bell rang. the teacher didn't really care so he let his students leave without saying a word.

"do you wanna come home with me eunbi?" eunha offered as they walked down the halls.

"no thanks unnie, im gonna do some studying in the library. just to get my mind off of things, you know."

the older eunbi nodded and said goodbye, walking outside to go meet yuju.

eunbi sat in the library alone, her notebooks and books messily piled up in front of her. she sipped on her chocolate milk (she got from the cafeteria) as she glared at the bright golden sunlight that the opened window invited in.

the girl started to study, and it was really therapeutic for her. the setting was perfect. the warmness of the library, the silence, and the fresh breeze from outside that entered through the window, that was beside her, made sinb's mind clear.

"i never knew that i could study like this." sinb thought to herself before chuckling lightly.

as she worked on some paperwork, the door opened. sinb didn't really mind so she just continued working.

from the corner of eunbi's eye, she saw a girl with long hair sit on the sunlit chair in the corner, she was probably reading a book.

55 minutes have probably passed already, so eunbi thought it was time for her to go home already. she packed all of her things in her backpack quickly and stood up.

sinb then realized who was reading in the corner of the library. it was is yewon. the golden lighting was still present, so it kissed yewons face as she looked at the book.

"gorgeous." sinb thought. yewons sunkissed face was enough for eunbi to be left staring.

the older didn't realized she had stared for too long, so yewon looked up to her. the two awkwardly made eye contact with each other for a second, but then stopped.

eunbi sighed as she left the school's library.

"if i only took things slower, i'd still be talking and laughing with you right now." she mumbled to herself as she left the building.

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