It was approximately 11:38 when Natalia got up from the table from her drunk friends. No judgment whatsoever from her for her own alcohol levels were quite high. They were celebrating her eighteenth birthday. It was not only a surprise to her to get the fake ID's but also getting kicked out of foster care. But instead of dwelling on it, she would rather drown out her sorrows. Which seemed to be working at the moment.

Natalia wanted to have some fun and forget, but she knew tomorrow would be a little different from that. She would have to tell her friends about her own current state of living. Which was none, at all. She didn't know what she was going to do. All her friends were leaving for college and she didn't know where she was going to stay until she could pay for an apartment.

Of course, she wasn't ready for that. She was fired from her last job because she was late all the time. She had school and no car. It took a lot of time that she didn't want to give. She, of course, did dream the normal dream. Working a part-time job at some cute local cafe. Then she would come home to a little house in the country and take care of the two kids. That was only a dream though. The more she thought about it the more it seemed further away.

She needed to get a car but the foster system was really messed up. She was hoping to save some money but her last foster mother took it. Probably to buy more drugs than she needed. Natalia knew she was getting kicked out the second the money wouldn't be flowing in. She told her that a lot. Natalia had all her clothes packed and was ready to get going as soon as her foster mother woke up. That would be around one pm so she wasn't worried too much.

"I need some fresh air," Natalia stated gesturing across the room to the exit sign. Her friend's barley noticed as the blonde exited from the table.

She stumbled away bumping into people as she went. It was hard walking and breathing at the same time with her head spinning. Pushing open the door with a sign that said 'EXIT' overtop. Natalia walked outside to get a nice fresh breeze that swayed her blonde locks around. She sucked in a deep breath focusing all her attention on the air entering her lungs all while trying to not let the remnants of 100 dollars worth of alcohol go to waste.

It was around September so the wind was a little chilly during the night. It swarmed around her pale flushed skin and cooled her off enough to the point of content. She rested her head against the side of the building.

It was really out of nowhere when a pair of arms strung around her frame as a cloth was held against her face. She struggled but the person was a lot stronger than her. She started screaming as he pressed his hand over her mouth. She heard a soft whisper in her ear but before she could recollect his words the night took over her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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