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So welcome to my life, my name is Kristella Reids and I am 21 this year. It is not my best year but my life has never been that best, to begin with. Now let's go back to when I was 6, then was the last time I had a mum, dad, sister, and brother. However, my big brother Henry is all I have left. It took the killer 2 minutes to turn my whole life upside down. I was out with Henry getting a present for my birthday because it was just a few days before I turn 7! But instead of coming home to hugs and the smell of mum's cooking; it was blood and the voice of government officials whom at the time were handling my parent's case. 

My mum Lauryn Cho-Reids was the head design for Marc Jakobs and dad was the head director for Riots; a multi-million-dollar gaming company. My sister Krisianne was 14 at the time was just a simple genius. All gone, no goodbyes, no last words. Killer leaving me and my brother alone; a 6-year-old and a 12-year-old so no one. So from then until Henry was 18; we were in a pretty nice foster family home. When Henry turned 18, he found a job and left the foster home, leaving me behind. Once again, I have been left. People leaving my life, when I most needed them. I don't blame them, who would want me. I wouldn't even want me. My life has been a constant wreck since. 

So when Henry left, I decided that I would study hard and get into a University as far as I could think of. And by then, finished at the top of my class and received a full-ride scholarship to Harvard University as a Linguistics, Behavioural Science student with a minor in Criminal Behaviour. 


Hi Hi! Now that you have my back story. Hope you know why, I am cold, distant, emotionless, or just the way I am for a reason. But when I was in school back home, I did get close to one person. I would be able to semi-open up if it weren't for her. Arietta or Etta, she's the reason why I never gave up. The reason why I didn't want to kill myself then. While I am studying at Harvard, she's currently at the University of San Diego in their Pre-Med program. Although we are both on two different sides of the United States, we still talk every day. At least after we are done with our daily classes. 

Fasting forward a little bit to the third quarter, it was honestly the first time I have ever opened to someone about and why I am emotionally shut. He made me feel like it was okay to open up to him and he will be there when I need him. Unlike my brother who I don't know its whereabouts. His name was Daniel Lucifers. He was two grades above me but seems to know how to treat a very fragile girl properly.  So moving forward to 4 months later, he's asked me to be his girlfriend and I'd said yes. Two months into our relationship was when I moved in with him. It was going quite well.


Dan and I had just had our first-anniversary last month and things are going pretty solid I'd say. But that was when I'd jinx myself. Two night before, my lab partner Lyla Rounds from Behaviour science class came over to our place to work on this group assignment that we had to get done before finals began for the quarter. After that night was fine. But a week or so later, I've noticed that Dan was being kinda weird, but it didn't seem to bother me because it might have been stress from school or work so I gave him the space he needed. But it wasn't until I went out to the club with an old roommate of mine whom I've gotten a little close with since I've been in Boston. The last person I expect to see at the club on a Thursday night was Lyla and least of all, Daniel frigging Lucifer. TOGETHER. They... they were close. Closer than Dan and I ever got. in public. He was with his friends... friends I've seen around, but guess I was too embarrassing to be introduced to. But I guess Lyla was not an embarrassment. 

Now that I thought about it, Dan has never once introduced me to his friends... not a single one of them. Soon as I saw...Dan, Lyla, and I all made eye contact... That was the moment I have SERIOUSLY felt embarrassed to be in public. Without hesitations, I ran... I ran like there was nothing, nobody in front of me. Ran as my life depended on it. Dan chased me and caught up and all he said was, 'Babe, I'm sorry.' He didn't say, ' Let me explain'.... 'I am sorry' was all I got. to me... sorry doesn't do anything. sorry, doesn't erase what o saw. It doesn't change the fact that it happened. So I kept running. I ran until I realised... I was in the middle of the street and a trunk was speeding my way... I was too shocked by what happened and too scared to move... My legs were weak, my mind was blank... 

That was the moment where nothing mattered to me... Nothing. My parents and sister were gone, and my brother has left me. So I have no one left for me to stay for... Death was nothing but a problem solver for me. As it got closer, darkness hit. The one best friend that has never seem to have left my side. With what I had left... there was nothing left for me... At that moment, I thought that was it... but the universe said otherwise... 

                              Someone pulled me aside... But who was it? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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