The observer

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"There are two types of people in this world. The ones who entertain, and the ones who observe" -circus

Jamie was an observe, which, to most people came as a surprise. He didn't act like an observer, always making a scene, getting in everyones way and being over dramatic. But between all his dramatic acts and fusses and scenes, he would watch. 

He would watch as Horatio, his partner in crime (though Horatio would never admit it) pour a glass of water from the sink, before walking back to is desk and setting it down with the upmost precision. Jamie could often imagen him picking up a ruler and measuring how far the cup was from the edge of the desk, just so he could make sure the measurements were exact.

In the park, when his wanderings had taken him far away from the dox like building he was now to call home, he would watch the children, even when the children in question were only a few years younger than him. He would wonder at their freedom, contemplating how different their lives had been.

In class, when he knew no one, he would watch and observe the people around him. He would sit in the back-left corner of the classroom eying off the kid loudly sharpening his pencil over the bin in the front of the classroom, glaring at the girl chewing and pop, pop, popping her gum two rows in front of him and constantly glaring at the teacher aimlessly ambling on in the front of the room, pointing at the board and repeatedly shouting for attention. Contradictory to Horatios' beliefs, he did not create a spectacle wherever he went.

But most of all, he observed as his life continuously crashed into pieces before his eyes. Waiting as the continuously growing void of nothingness consumed him. Watching as every thing he knew and loved abandoned him. After all, everything that is good must come to an end. So he did nothing, and simply observed.   

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