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y/n swerved her car around the street, whilst calling finn on the phone. "pick up finn godamnit" she mumbled under her breath. the phone stopped ringing and was followed by a voice. "hello?"

"finn where the hell are you i thought we said 7/11!" y/n sighed. "i'm inside you dumbass! get out of the car" finn then ended the call. y/n pushed the glass door, looking around for the curly haired boy. "omygod" y/n laughed to see finn holding a basket full of chips and sodas. "what you said a roadtrip right?" finn smirked making y/n roll her eyes playfully. "yeah i'm not gonna eat that all" y/n folded her arms against her chest. "hmm but you are!"

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"keep my mind at bay, sunflower still grows at night!" y/n and finn yelled the lyrics, laughing and sharing loving looks. "i'd say lemme choose the music but it looks like yours is better" finn nodded at himself while
scrolling at y/n's playlist. "well the person is better anyway so"
"can't say no to that huh" finn stared at her, admiring her features in the night. y/n noticed that he's been staring for quite a long time but brushed it of. she liked the feeling anyway. "the fucking beach?" finn stated in a 'really?' manner. "yeah so i can drown you and let the unknown creatures beneath eat you" y/n shrugged playfully, running outside. "you're gonna wish you never said that y/n/n!" finn chased after her as y/n screamed. after minutes of chasing each other y/n sat down in the sand, spreading her legs as the waves touches her feet. finn sat down next to her, panting. he looked at y/n beside her who has a calm smile on her face. "so you go here often?" y/n answered with a hum. "oh yeah. yeah i do. i just you know, find it calming. it's quiet and dark." y/n explained not even looking at finn once as she admires the sound of the ocean. "you're so emo" finn joked and y/n slapped his shoulder.

a comfortable silence filled the atmosphere as they both stare at a distance. well, except for finn who kept his eyes on y/n. "hey y/n?" y/n turned her head to finn and scrunched her eyebrows, waiting for his reply. "i'm really sorry i lied to you. i was just scared that you might use me and leave me or just babble about me" y/n placed her hand on finn's, giving it gentle rubs. "it's really fine i understand. as long as you don't use drew's name in vain again" finn chuckled. "promise?" y/n lifted her pinky, waiting for finn to interlock with his.
"see i can pull an eleven too" y/n winked as finn fell for the girl hard.

𝐖𝐓𝐅 !  ( wolfhard ) ☆彡 reader x finn ☆彡 Where stories live. Discover now