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How does one overcome fear?  Let's insert ourselves into fear and give it a situation. Let it be by us  being by creating a scenario.

We've been kidnapped with no chance of escape. We're beaten,  and held captive . What is scary about that? To understand fear we must understand life and that everything only exists in present time and that the unknown is seconds before the seconds we're in right now. So in every situation we are placed in fear, it only exists because we allow our selves to be there . Therefore, in a kidnapping situation, we are only to blame; because we allowed  this moment  in time to take place.

The entrance into fear though,  is wanting to pass off blame. In this case we would tell ourselves this is their fault , for the pain I know we as humans  have to undergo. We lie to ourselves,  and blame the law enforcement for not finding us,  and setting us  free . Then we blame our captors, and then we are out of people to blame,  so we blame God for not stepping in and making a miracle to save us , or even just to change what led you to where you are. Accepting all wrongs , is  your own element's panic and  is an  unnecessary thought.

The second step into overcoming fear,  is realizing that no matter what situation you've been placed in,  you have total control.
If the world operated on the butterfly effect;  meaning that everything exists the way it is now only because of the way something happened moments ago, everyone  would be believing that the present could be entirely different If something as small as a speck of dust floated differently. For we can't, control the obstacles life places on us, the same way that the fleck of dust is carried without resistance , but if it was sentient like us, it would rebel. Which is the fear of restraint. On a more relatable note,  it is like being involved in a vehicle collision , you may just react in anger, or be resolved enough to push past the triviality of material, and try to help your fellow human being . But either way That is the moment when your decisions and control come into play .

So now,  using observation to your advantage always puts you in complete control of every situation,  regardless of what it is. So let's go back to our scenario in which we have been kidnapped. We feel helpless being in an unknown surrounding , while pain is being inflicted . Now that we know that our actions in the present , give us total power over it, we can decide what happens next. As by removing ourselves from the physical, and entering the metaphysical. We are the masters of our own reality. Therefore stripping the problems that creates fear, such as the kidnappers of having any advantage in our psyche . That's the first step into entering our minds.

We can then remove ourselves from our mind,  through self hypnotism, we keep our eyes closed, and our minds open , to the nirvana of our
"happy place , " so to speak. Yet, our bodies  are entirely limp no matter what pain is inflicted, for the severing or  disruption of our self indulged hypnotism,  will de-rail us from this place .

Once that is achieved, all things are achievable in life. For what one believes is true , becomes true.
This is the power we have. 

For this to be achieved however, and to also survive the fear , we must look at life on both ends of the spectrum.
The Philosophical side, and the Spiritual side.  People use pain as currency and leverage. Since the beginning of time,  we have also used pain as a teacher of what we have become as a species. So in a Spirutial sense, Pain acts as a literal teacher, and can help you grow and learn . But in a philosophical sense, pain is taught to give us wisdom and  to obtain strength through trial and error. 

How does one achieve overcoming pain? Both physically speaking and Spiritually? The truth to this is easy, yet the obtaining of such a state of detachment is something that takes practice,  and severance from the norm . By losing yourself to the unknown, through meditation, and constant rebellion of even your most instinctive nature,  we begin to truly immerse ourselves into our most safe haven. Our mind. Ourselves. Our fear.
And from that practice and dedication? Grows the values of taking fear by the horns, and accepting yourself.  Realizing all things , both large and small in this scheme are just as  cosmically  important . Just as we are.

Now,  let's go back once more to our scenario of our captors. It is a metaphor.  A more reality based scenario is that we are but a baby that has just been born . Our lives are what are our captors are; obstacles that are out of our control. The butterfly affect in the deepest levels of our lives . By reaching a point where you have fully recognized your ability to shape your destiny, it is such as becoming your own ecosystem, controlling  things within you, both large and small.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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