Chapter 11.5

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"Oy, Atrium, fall on your arse?" Ewan laughed rounding to my front. I'm still wide-eyed and didn't exactly know what had happened. The feeling I got from that woman was the same as before, those black-cloaked figures I had seen at a distance.

But they were getting braver, whatever 'they' were. I didn't think they were some sith hill spies. They were nowhere near Mhairi's hill.

"Uh, yeah..." I murmured, clearing my throat as Ewan lifted me up. I patted off the dress to make sure nothing was on it. But I'm completely distressed by what had happened. I wasn't a very good actress, Ewan even caught onto it.

"You okay, lass?" He asked and blinked in confusion. He was in his black spirit kilt again with the whole works. Everyone was here, I couldn't let the night drown into worry. I would tell everyone... later? Yes. A little later in the night so the whole evening wasn't ruined.

Other than that, the first thing that popped in my mind whenever I saw him in a kilt. "Please tell me you have something under there."

He smirked and leaned his muscular body over to grab at the hem, "Wanna see?"

"Oh, god no!" Both Callum and Alex yelled from behind him. Callum jogged over to us and shoved Ewan.

Ewan was laughing and headed to the fire pit. "I'll get this fire going. Alex, you bawbag, come help me!"

I watched the two before looking at Callum. He looked concerned the minute he watched me cross my arms over my chest. "What's wrong, Atrium?"

I debated on whether to tell him. I couldn't ruin tonight. Everyone was here together and didn't Mhairi mention we needed to finish the bonding ritual? If I mentioned it to her, I know she wouldn't let tonight happen. She would be too protective. She would call everything off and I would ruin it.

Every cell in me strained at the idea of not letting that bond completely finish. It was almost physically painful; it was like my spirit didn't belong to me anymore.

It was sewn together with her, or at least trying to finish the process. The unraveling pieces were excruciating.

I grabbed Callum by the elbow and led him to the side. "Please don't tell Mhairi. I trust you to do that, Callum." I sternly told, gripping his elbow a little harder to try to prove my point.

"I'm here for you."

"Good." I glanced around, "Something... someone, a woman, was here in the garden right before you guys came. She gives me a bad feeling. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm assuming she's another sith."

Callum went rigid. "We have to tell Mhairi." He hastily replied.

"No! We need to finish whatever's left of this bonding. I wanted you to know. Let Ewan and Alex know so at least you three can be on the lookout. Please do this for me."

He looked so unsure, shifting from one foot to the next. "Fine. But you have to tell her after tonight. I can start investigating afterward, but Mhairi deserves to know."

"I will, I promise." I said, letting go of his arm, "But please, let me tell her tomorrow."

A long pause went by, "Fine. It's better for you to finish bonding, anyway. She can better protect you if any sith caught word before she could control the situation."

"How so?"

"Well, from what I understand when you bond it's forever. You are one soul, one mind, one heart. Depending on how powerful the couple is. Physically and spiritually, there are different things that can happen. I've heard of telepathy between bonded pairs, spiritual clairvoyance, seeing through one another, memory exchange. The list goes on but those are the ones I'm most familiar with."

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