Chapter Eleven

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You woke up to your face streaked with dried tears. You supposed that you had been crying in your sleep. You were still a bit shaken from the night before, but you knew you needed to pull yourself together. Thankfully, your lack of processing what had happened to you had made you go numb. You weren't quite sure if that was a good thing or not.

You looked at the business card again before sighing. Should you call? It was early in the morning, but somehow you didn't doubt that he would answer. You reached for your phone, deciding to just call and ask why he'd given you the card in the first place. If he didn't give you a straight answer, then you would just hang up and block.

The phone rang for a few seconds before someone picked up. "Hello?"

You paused. Were you really doing this? You took a deep breath before speaking. "Hello? It's me, from last night. I was calling to ask why you gave me this card."

You heard commotion in the background. It sounded like a little girl crying. You furrowed your brows, trying to listen in further. Before he could respond to your previous question, you decided to ask another one of your own. "What's going on in the background? Is that person okay?"

"Yes," a smooth voice replied. The same one from last night. "That's... my daughter. She's throwing a tantrum right now because of her old babysitter. I'll have to find a new one because of it."

A babysitter? You paused for a while, debating what to say next. You owed this man your life... maybe working for him could repay that debt? You still didn't really know who he was or if you could trust him, and something told you that this was a really, really stupid idea. You spoke anyways. "If you're looking for a babysitter, I can help out with that."

He clearly didn't expect that response. "Why would I hire you?"

You bit the inside of your cheek. "I work with kids currently, so I have experience with it. Besides, you saved my life yesterday. I want to make it up to you."

You really couldn't tell if this was a stupid idea or not. Part of you really only offered because you wanted to make sure that the girl in the background was okay. Maybe if she wasn't, you could find a way to get her out of there. So really, you decided, this was a stupid idea. But you were a pro at coming up with those, so what did it matter to you? You were expecting him to say no, anyways.

Who in their right mind would let a random woman they had met the night before near their own kid?

"You start tomorrow," a voice came through the phone, nearly making you fall off your bed in shock. Maybe this guy was batshit crazy. You didn't doubt it with the mask he wore. "Meet me at the library."

"Sounds good," you told him. "I'm going to hang up now."

You were met with silence, so after a few moments, you did exactly what you said you were going to do and hung up. You really hoped that his daughter was okay. Or maybe it had been exactly what he said it had been- a tantrum and nothing more. It wasn't like you personally knew her yet, anyways. On the bright side, you'd managed to get yourself a job. An actual job. Maybe this meant that you wouldn't have to leech off of Aizawa anymore.

As if on cue, the man knocked at your door. "Hey, kid, you ready?"

You slid your phone back into your pocket, grabbing a pair of clothes. You changed quickly before grabbed your earbuds and a book labelled Parallel Worlds: A Guide to the Multiverse, and went out the door, giving Kuro a pet on the head as you did so.

Aizawa looked concerned for you as you got into the car. He knew that you'd been lying the night before- he just didn't want to press too deep into it. You were already going through enough. The last thing you needed was for someone to pressure you to talk to them. So, he stayed silent, putting the key into the ignition so that he could start the short drive to UA.

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