Pokemon - I Choose You

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Daylight had long since entered a small bedroom in Pallet Town, yet the 2 sleeping occupants hadn't even stirred since. Not a shuffle, not a shudder. Not even a toss or turn, just silence as they cuddled into each other. Neither made a move as footsteps were heard tapping up the stairs nearby, or the creak as the door shifted open to reveal the brown hair mother with a disappointed smile emerging on her face. "Ash, Serena..." she sighed, clearly quite disappointed by the two children as she walked over to pull at the blanket of the loft bed. This arose a reaction from the female child, who's long blonde hair had been sprawling across the blanket and was tugged by the movement.

"...ugu..." she made a whimper, holding her hair with her eyes tightened. As she pulled herself into a drowsy sleeping pattern, her hair askew and drool leaking from her bottom lip, she looked around the room with half-lidden eyes until she saw the smashed Voltorb-shaped alarm clock resting by the wall opposite the bed. Cogs and springs ruptured that clock's surface, which the girl could just see said '3 am' indicative of the time it was smashed. Still too tired to truly focus, she reached over and shuffled the young black haired boy behind her. "Ash......ash...wake up.." she whispered, coaxing. Eventually, she heard the groan and saw the boy stretch out and awaken.

By this point, the mother had headed downstairs to prepare breakfast or something so the children had to process everything themselves. Suddenly, as they looked around the room, their eyes landed on the brilliant poster of the kanto starters and their brains snapped awake. "SHIT!" Ash yelped, realizing that they were very much late. The loud yell snapped Serena fully into processing, as she looked worried as well. "We need to head to Oak's lab, now!" the boy yammered clearly distressed by the realization. Serena nodded her head, pushing herself towards the edge of the bed.

After getting off the loft bed, both children began to get moving. Grabbing bits and pieces, Ash hadn't even bothered changing out of his pajamas by the time they had rushed out of the door. Serena, thankfully, had somehow put on a red dress with a pink hat during the time it took Ash to even process where his toothbrush was to brush his teeth. To be frank, the children were very thankful that their town was only a small location and nothing like the bigger cities of Kanto such as Celadon City and Saffron City. They were late enough as it is. Before they left the house, they made sure to yell a goodbye to Delia Ketchum, who responded in kind to the two children.

When they arrived at the lab, their childhood friend was already there with a poke ball in hand that had a small water droplet symbol. Maybe he thought he could hide his starter by not removing it from its pokeball, but Ash and Serena had done enough lessons since the time they met to know that a water droplet symbol on the starter ball meant that Gary had picked a Squirtle from the Professor. "Oh, you two," the mahogany haired boy noted as he walked over to the two, with his friendly smirk. "Finally arrived to get your starters?" but then he frowned, noting that they were panting a little. "I hope he still has some left, grandfather said he only had 3 Pokemon today, and I think I saw someone take a Bulbasaur already. But who knows, maybe he got another Pokemon."

"Wait, does that mean he might only have 1 Pokemon left?" Ash asked, a little slow on the uptake whilst Serena's eyes had widened in surprise. She had been considering getting a Bulbasaur as she found it the cutest of the Kanto starter trio. When Gary nodded his head with some semblance of worry on his face, Ash seemed to be contemplating for a bit. But the two children headed inside without that contemplation coming out. Before they decided to call for Oak, Ash tried to ask. "So what do you want-"

"CHAR!" a loud voice was heard, fearful and shrieking as if in pain. This caused both of the children to gasp and rush into the backroom where the starters were selected to find a Charmander on the floor with electricity sparking of it. A Pikachu panting not to far away with burns on its midsection. Neither Ash or Serena needed to think for a few moments that there had been a fight recently, or literally seconds before they ran in. Nearby Professor Oak looked worried as if trying to determine what to do.

Almost instinctively, Serena ran over to the Charmander and held it into her arms protectively whilst Ash crept behind the Pikachu and grabbed the flailing electric type that proceeded to charge an electric shock into Ash's frail body for a few seconds before realizing the electric mouse realized he was being held by a child and looked less fierce and more pitiful before calming down and sulking in Ash's slightly scorched hands. Noticing this, Oak walked over to the two children with a clearly thankful face. He handed Serena a paralyze heal for the Charmander in her arms, which she quickly used to remove the sparkling electricity that radiated over the lizard's frail body. Pikachu seemed to be in a better state, though it remained silent in Ash's hands.

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