||Who Loves Who||

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Louis's P.O.V

I couldn't just stop my tears. Today was the day of tremendous apologies, sadly not acceptions. I ran my way home crying, ate slept, woke up, but my eyes didn't rest for a slick second. I didn't even feel like talking to anyone.

I had hurt a person, very very bad. I felt like killing myself, strangling myself with my very own hands, eating glass, stop breathing... Every thing. I wanted to hurt myself so bad.

 I wanted to hurt myself so bad

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Because I hurt HIM.

Him was who I loved but never told. Him was who I cared for but never showed. Him was who I never asked if he loved me too because I was scared if I was making it all up. Him was who loved me darley too but I never knew. Until today!

I picked up my phone to call him. The name of Harry prickled on my screen. His green eyes staring at me. I could see them filled with invisible tears. Those crimson red lips that I've wanted to taste for so long. Every woe of his entangled in his perfect curly hair.

But... What was I gonna say?


Harry's P.O.V

I never thought anything this bad could happen to me until today. The person I've truly, madly, deeply, patiently, whole heartedly loved threw me over a desert of spiking glass.

 The person I've truly, madly, deeply, patiently, whole heartedly loved threw me over a desert of spiking glass

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What did I do? Why did it even hurt me that bad. well I guess it was all my mistake. I loved him but i never told him. I never told him because of the fear that he might freak out when he finds that his friend is gay, or even worst that he is crushing on him. I was scared I might scare him, make him grow distant. I just didn't want to lose him. A one mile distance was better than a hundred miles. 

I loved him, and I wanted him. Him and only him. I wanted to be with him, even if that meant him not loving me. At least I didn't want  him to hate me, or to be scared of me.

 So apparently I am the reason I am broken today.

My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. It was Louis. His ocean blue electric eyes, passing jolts all over my body. I wouldn't blame him for my condition. But I didn't pick the phone up either.

Because... What was I gonna say?

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