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⎯ Uff ..

A half drowned sigh escapes from Tanjirou, the successor of the water pillar and who is currently practicing a new technique, in which he has to last at least 14 seconds holding his breath, while every part of his body is sensitized to locate any wound despite the adrenaline and subsequently use full breath to contract his muscles and decrease the bleeding.

Or at least that's what in theory, should be doing. The truth is that despite the efforts of the boy, he has not been able to overcome his 7 second record.

⎯ Are you still here, Tanjirou?

The voice of the now Insect pillar Tsuyuri Kanao resonates in the already empty temple where he is training.

She watches him with that immovable smile in her face, but a kindness settles in her purple wisteria eyes and the scent that detaches from her is one of affection that by smelling it, unintentionally embarrasses him.

⎯ Yes, I think I'll keep practicing a while more.

Without saying anything else, Tsuyuri walks towards him and sits by his side, their shoulders slightly touching and distracting him a little by the proximity in which they are. Her head moves to rest in his shoulder and Tanjirou's heart starts beating like crazy.

It was almost seven months since they had started dating, but she always found a way to put him somewhat nervous.

⎯ Who would say that even after overthrowing Muzan, more demons like Tamayo had managed to get rid of the curse... Honestly, they are a big nuisance.

A small awkward smile adorns Tanjirou's face while Kanao's nose wrinkled, he could smell that she was getting angry.

⎯ Well, now is not the time for that.

Placing his hand around her shoulders, the anger in the air dissipated and it was replaced with an ounce of shame that made him genuinely smile.

Seriously, his girlfriend was so pretty.

For a few seconds, they remained silent until Kanao's sweet voice filled the space between them.

⎯ You know? If you want, I can help you with your breathing.

Kamado's face lit up as a happy puppy at the time he turned his head to see directly the slightly flushed cheeks of her.

⎯ Really ?! You would do that for me?

Kanao had always been some levels above him in terms of training, not for nothing had she become a pillar before him, she was more than amazing. It would be a complete honor that would fill him with happiness if she was willing to teach him something that, while Tanjirou knew he must learn for himself, it complicated him in a way that she had already overcome.

She nodded and her silky hair moved with her at the time she adjusted delicately the butterfly brooch on her hair.

What to say, it was a complete surprise when in the expectation of her words, she fell silent and instead sat down with agility in his legs.

⎯ T-Tsuyuri-san?!

A soft finger landed on his lips, Tanjirou's red eyes expanded in surprise while hers were filled with determination.

⎯ We said you'd call me by my first name.

With that airy and calm voice of hers, he felt as if they were sharing a secret in the moment he whispered her name.

-... Kanao.

The red on their cheeks didn't lie, but somehow she managed to say.

⎯ Yes, Tanjirou?

And suddenly his body felt as if it was burning inside. The warmth that those hypnotizing eyes had and the kind sparkle in them melted him; he really didn't know how much more of this girl he could take, he was already holding back on kissing her with everything he had.

It wouldn't be right if he confused things with a kissing session when it was supposed to be training.

As if guessing what he was thinking, she complained.


It was a blessing for his ears to listen to Kanao complaining with his name.

⎯ I'm sorry, but are we going to kiss or train?

⎯... I will know what I do.

Ignoring his questions completely, Kanao's skillful hand that strongly held her sword, caressed his cheek delicately while making a small, adorable and almost unconscious pout.

⎯ Have a little more confidence in me. I no longer depend on a coin to decide what I want.

⎯ I know, I know. And that fills me with pride, but I still had to ask.

Without letting him talk anymore, Kanao's lips touched his. Absorbing him inside the moment and from her, he already knew quite well what they were going to do.

Or so he thought.

⎯ Those were 5 seconds and you didn't even concentrated.

Wow, so they were doing both at the same time.

Tsuyuri didn't even give him time to finish his thoughts when she started to kiss him again.

The adrenaline running through their bodies, Tanjirou concentrated the most that he could, feeling Kanao's soft lips against his, a naughty tongue that came and went as ... Ugh, he needed to breathe.

⎯ 9 seconds.

Unconsciously, a hand slipped by Tsuyuri's waist, changing a bit of positions and securing her in place while he decided to go with everything against her, to what she made small sounds that encouraged him to follow through, feeling to the fullest the warmth that eluded from her body, the intoxicated perfume that surrounded her and how her hand clung to his chest while their tongues battled.

With a sigh and still closed eyes, he let go of her mouth.

⎯ ...14 seconds.

Kanao's voice murmured.

He felt totally tired, but looking at her, he felt it was absolutely worth it.

Not only had he managed to master the technique, but the image that filled his eyes was too beautiful to describe.

The flickering light in her eyes, the little sighs, the red of her cheeks and her direct gaze at him that was cloudy and loving with her hair slightly messy.

It was an image that he could not share with anybody else.

Hugging her, she let herself be held between his arms with a smile as Tanjirou said.

⎯ You know? I think I still haven't mastered this completely...

Separating from him, the smile that Kanao gave him directed was one she only used with him.

⎯ Seriously? Then I guess we have to keep practicing...

The end <3

Kiss me until you master it | TanjiKana |Where stories live. Discover now