Chapter 5: The Wolf Mystery

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The next day, Lya went to school and tried to focus on anything that wasn't the pack. She could feel them watching her and she knew it was a matter of time before she had to deal with them but she wanted to avoid till Klaus left town.

Having the hybrid around made her uneasy. All the originals had tempers but Klaus was the worst and she didn't want him slaughtering all of Beacon Hill. And Klaus had to make things worse for her by wanting her to help him hunt down a wolf pack for him to turn that lived nearby.

Once the school came to any end, the young wolf was rushed to her locker. She new if she worked fast, she could be gone before any of them caught up to her. However, the girl had never been lucky when it came to avoiding people so within seconds Lydia blocked her path.

"Lydia, I don't have time for this right" Lya said slamming her locker and trying to step around the banshee. Lydia quickly stepped back in the way causing Lya to let out a frustrated groan. "Lydia, move"

"No" the strawberry blonde crossed her over her chest refusing to move. "We're talking about all this, Lya"

"Can't it wait till tomorrow" Lya groaned knowing for a fact Klaus was waiting outside side for her and if she didn't show up soon he'd come in.

"No" Lydia stood her ground and Lya could see the pack was blocked exits. "I've waited nine months to hear why you left so we're going to have this conversation now."

"Because the hall is the best place for this" Lya said catching sight of the impatient hybrid about to come in. "This could get ugly" the wolf mumbled under her breath before pushing past her former best friend and heading for the door blocked by Malia.

"Can't let you leave, sis" Malia hissed at the older Hale as Klaus opened the door.

"I'm not giving you choose" Klaus said holding the door open so Lya could walk out. "I have business with the little wolf and I don't think she'd be happy if I had to kill you."

"Niklaus" Lya warned when Klaus flashes his hybrid eyes at the werecoyote. Klaus looked down at the girl and then back up at Malia. His eyes then wondered over to Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and the rest of the pack. He quickly grabbed Lya's arm and pulled her away from all them having clearly decided they're a waste of time.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Kira asked once the pack arrived at Scott's house. The mismatched group of supernaturals and two humans shock their heads or shrugged in response. No one had any idea who this Niklaus was and what he's business with Lya was.

"Something was off about him" Malia stated. "I mean he smelled like a wolf but also like something else entirely but that not even the weirdest thing I picked up. His wolf eyes had these black veins under them."

Stiles looked from Malia over to Lydia. The banshee looked shaky and scared.

"Lydia, what's wrong" Stiles asked.

"I know she's abounded all of us" Lydia said years forming in her eyes "but I'm scared she gonna get hurt being around this guy. He's caused so many deaths. I could feel it the second I saw him."

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