2. The past_@ the begining

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Arthit is not a morning person scratch that arthit hates morning and becoming the head hazer the first thing the job description entitles is getting up in the morning to prepare for the Hazers meeting before the actual start of hazing tomorrow .. he is too stressed and too sleepy. To make matters worse knot is calling him continuously not letting him even to get the daily fix of his favorite sugar, the pink milk. He drags his body to the hazer office and meets the familiar sight of tootah and bright fighting over something stupid, prem brooding and biting his nails in the corner and knot the only one going over the details of the meet with the second years.

He is met with knots stern gaze for his still sleepy shabby form which he promptly ignores to smack bright on the head and push tootah off the chair. The chaos soon settle down with knot becoming the mother hen and Arthit has to sober up and give his inputs regarding the official start of hazing tomorrow for the freshers. Thus begins his day. His day doesn't get any better with one professor giving them extra assignments and another one taking a sudden surprise test.

While returning back it seems the Mother Nature also has some scores to settle with them as it starts pouring suddenly. Tootah, bright, prem and knot decides to run for it when the shower doesn't stop even after fifteen minutes. Arthit lives a little further away in the private dorms as his friends like to call that the "prince dorm" as they are more luxurious and only few handful of students can afford them. So he stays back as they run away in the rain shielding themselves with their bags.

Arthit has to leave the dry shade soon but , when the rain refuses to stop, even after waiting for another 15 minutes more infact it's now pouring madly with lightning and thunder as company. He curses his luck and makes his way to the dorm, getting drenched completely and amidst the pouring rain makes a run to cross the road seeing his dorm building near on opposite side only to hear a screeching car break and big headlights almost blinding and going over him.

" are you ok" a voice brings him back from his petrified state.. he realises the driver has missed him by mere inches and he is now standing in the middle of the road getting soaked in the rain, dazed.. with a black car parked nearby on his side of the road.

" I am so sorry my driver didn't see you in the rain and when he did , you already were in front of my car, by gods grace you are unscathed " the man sounds equally scared like him. " where are you going pls let me help you get there" he continues in worried tone since Arthit still hasn't spoken a word and looks stunned. It was really a very close call.

" no need.. thank you . That's my dorm .." he points to the building and first time takes in the mans appearance, he is slightly taller than him, tanned skin and though now with a frown on his face due to worry, Arthit has to agree that's a very handsome face.

" even I am staying there only, let me help you go up to your room .. you don't look good." The man takes his arm in one hand and guides him inside the dorm away from the pouring waterfall from the sky..

Arthit feels like an electric shock has passed through him. He immediately takes his arm away and starts to make his way to the elevator..

" no need I am fine now .. you can leave .." he is stuttering as he starts pressing the elevator button multiple times wanting it to hurry.

" are you sure" the man doesn't sound convinced by his words and he wants to follow..

" yea absolutely" as the elevator door opens and closes arthit can see the last glimpse of the man looking at him with worried and something more, like deep want in his eyes . Arthit quickly looks down blushing crimson red feeling for the first time in the evening, after long time tugs of arousal spreading through his body..

" I didn't even get his name" as the elevator door closes the man in the deserted lobby cannot help but think. The beautiful man in the blinding headlight caught like a deer in a trap has done some weird things to his mind and body especially his body. The soaked body, the pinkish blue shivering in cold waiting to be kissed lips, the scared doe eyes ..ohh how he wishes he can follow him in the elevator and into the room tonight and chase those fears away from those eyes and feel them with want and lust instead..

Arthit fares no better , he somehow reaches his room and quickly abandons his wet clothes and stands under the hot shower.. he can still feel the pressure of tanned fingers onto his pale one, the wet bangs that just screamed to be caressed, the wet plump lips and the warmth of the deep soothing voice.. he can still smell the rain mixed with strong masculine scent as the stranger has almost hugged him and brought him inside the dorm lobby away from the downpour.. the safety of the strong arms and the charcoal eyes meeting his own playing havoc with his libido..

Ohh how he wishes he had the courage to ask his name and wishes to bump into him preferably alone in the elevator again.

That night was the first night, the head hazer Arthit and the stranger in the rain, kongpob came hard into the shower imagining each other naked and hot making out with each other.. one floor apart..


A/n:: their first meeting is not the innocent high schooler meeting the third year at all ..as this is not an innocent tale at all😇😇😇

Wait for it ..when they meet each other in the great hall coming up

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