I'll Miss You

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Jaymi's POV:

I stand in the doorway to my now old bedroom. It looks bare. All my stuff has been packed and shipped of to London where Mimi  was going to set up my apartment for me. I managed to afford a nice apartment that I would be sharing with Mimi (I promised we could be room mates). It was fairly expensive but I'd rather get a lone from my Grand-father and then pay it back over a year then live in a horrid 1 room apartment that looked like it hasn't been cleaned in years. 

I soon felt two arms wrap around my waist, then Dad rests his head on my shoulder, "I'm going to miss you kiddo," He mumbles into my hair, "it's going to be so quiet around here. You always spark up a conversation, even on the darkest days." I start to tear up. I turn around and dig my head into the comfort of my dad's shoulder. I feel my body start to tremble and I clutch on tighter to my Father, I don't know when I will be in his presence again. "Let's get to the airport. I don't want to miss my flight," I choke out. The lump in my throat shows no signs of letting up. I try to push it down but it only gets bigger. I hope it will have disappeared by the time I had to say goodbye to my little sister, Holly.

"Will I ever get to see you again? In person? Will you replace us? Forget us?" Holly sobs into my mothers shoulder. I place my bag onto the floor and take two strides to my little sister. I pick her up and spin her round, she bursts into giggles just like she did before she found out I was leaving. I gently put her back onto the floor and speak in the softest voice I can manage at the moment: "Holly, you are one of the most important people in my life, you have helped me become who I am today. Every second I am with you I am smiling. I could  never replace you because there is no-one just like you. You are unique in every way possible and there is no-one who thinks, speaks and acts the way you do. I will never forget you because I will never stop thinking of how much I miss you. I can promise  you that," I push back the tears and keep going, "Now promise me these two things, you will be a good girl for Mummy and Daddy while I am gone and You will help out around the house. Please??" I catch her tear with my finger and kiss it. "Stop crying Holly, you'll make me cry." I give the most reassuring laugh I can and stand up. 

I nod at my mother and Ander then turned to Ryan. I look him in the eye and he smiles softly, "Be safe out there ok??" Ryan whispers. I smile at him and reassure him that I will be fine. We share one quick hug before I'm out the door and of to the airport.

I get to my taxi and slide into the back seat. I turn to wave at my family and see they've already gone inside. Oh, well. It's cold outside.  On the way to the airport I stare out the window trying to keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks. It'll be ok, don't worry. I'm sure Mimi will be with you through everything. If not, then your independence will get you through anything.

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