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Seungcheol's Pov

I woke up to a girl holding my hand.

Who is she?

I pull my hand away from her. Not gonna lie, she's really pretty.

"I'm sorry but, Who are you?"

Jeonghan and Joshua seem close with her.

She cried.

I feel so bad.

I feel like she's an important person in my life but. I don't remember her.


Who are you

*Time skip*
*1 month later*

Y/n enter my room and sit next to me. "You really don't remember me don't you"

"I'm sorry but I don't" I feel so bad for her. She seem like a nice person.

She usually visits me when I was sleeping and leave something like my favorite chocolate, ect.

It was a little bit awkward because both of us said nothing until I feel her hold my hands.

"Since you don't remember me, let's start as friends"

I can see the spark in her eyes. The last time I meet her I only see the spark before I tell her I didn't know her. After that, her eyes looked sad and dead.

I smile.

For some reason. I feel like this has, happened sometime in my life but I don't remember.

Y/N's Pov

'let's start as friends'

Don't you remember?

You said that at the bakery.


It's that guy again. He came to the bakery every day. To just order a cup of black coffee and a cupcake.

Then sit at the table next to the window for HOURS and kept glancing at me.

Not gonna lie. He's pretty good looking.

I was lost in my own thought then I hear.


I look up and he's right infront of me.

"so, you probably don't know who I am but. Would you like to go out with me."

I stood there dumbfounded.
"excuse me. I don't know you"

He smile. "let's start as friends"

For some reason, that make my heart flutter.



I'll make you remember me, Choi Seungcheol.

You'll remember me.

"so, your name is Y/n...?" he ask.

"Kim Y/n"

"Nice to meet you, Kim Y/n" he held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you too, Choi Seungcheol." I shook his hand.

A/N: OK that's it for now. Lmao

I hope you enjoy the chapter~

To be continue......................

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