Part 18: Plans

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"Ooh, I love this one! I love that one too!"

Mina continued to scroll down through her Pinterest feed to look at wedding dresses. She knew that she had to decide on a style quickly since the wedding was now only four months away.

While Mina and Kirishima were planning their big day, Ochako and Izuku as well as Momo and Todoroki were making last minute preparations for their new additions.

Both Ochako and Momo were due in two months' time, so it was all hands on deck. The two decided to spend time together at Ochako's house for some well needed mom time.

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Momo placed a hand on her belly.

"Gosh, he's kicking hard. That and these Braxton Hicks are getting uncomfortable."

She winced as she felt another kick and faux contraction.

A/N: In case you're a little confused, "faux" is pronounced as "foe" and it means "false or fake". Braxton Hicks are contractions to prepare your body for labor. They aren't the same as being in actual labor.

"Okay. We have the crib, we have diapers galore, we have bottles to feed him for later, we have a billion stuffed animals and clothes, and the nursery is complete.. I think that's it. Right, Ochako?"

Ochako continued to sip her warm cup of green tea.

"I think so. That's all I can think of anyways. Speaking of thinking.. I'm not sure what to wear to this event Izuku and I have to attend tonight."

"Oh, yeah. You guys have to attend that red carpet event for interviews."

Ochako nodded. "Well, really, it's an interview for Izuku, but he invited me to come along."

"I guess that's what happens when you're the number one hero." Momo giggled.

Ochako smiled and sighed. She closed her eyes and placed a hand on her belly and thought about how busy life was. Ever since she and Izuku got married, life had been chaotic.

It had finally settled down after they celebrated their first wedding anniversary, but after announcing their soon-to-be new arrival, the public went wild again.

They were used to the spotlight since they were famous pro heroes, but Ochako was thankful for the time she and Izuku got to relax and spend time with their family. She felt so blessed as she released a contented sigh.

"I have this one dress that's quite stretchy, but I haven't worn it in years." Ochako stated.

"It's worth giving it a shot." Momo replied.

"I suppose so. I guess I can try to wear that, and I can put my hair up."

"That would look perfect. See? No worries. This is random, but since we're both due soon, I thought maybe you and Midoriya and Todoroki and I could attend some birthing classes."

"Birthing classes?" Ochako asked, raising a brow. "I've heard of them. I considered attending one. I'll discuss it with Izuku. I'm sure he won't mind."

While the girls talked, Izuku was upstairs in the office doing his own research. He continued to make a checklist of everything he and Ochako had for the baby. He wanted to be absolutely sure that he didn't miss a thing.

"Papa?" He heard a sweet voice say along with a knock.

"Come in, sweetheart."

"I was wondering if my baby sister would like these dolls. I don't really play with them any more, so I thought she would like them when she got older."

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