11 - remember us this way

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With tears running down his cheek, he closed the distance between their lips.

For a few seconds Forth's lips remained unresponsive. Just as Beam was about to back away, Forth moved and took over the kiss.

Beam's eyes widened in surprised momentarily before slowly closing it to savour the lips he never thought he would feel against his own ever again.

Forth responded with an even more intense heat. He pushed himself on top of Beam. Their lips seperated only for Forth to remove Beam's clothes swiftly.

As fast as it left, his lips went back to Beam's. Forth deepens the kiss and Beam answered it with the same passion.

His hands slowly slid down on Beam and moved to grab ahold of his behind. His tongue invaded Beam's mouth at the first chance. Forth swallowed every moan and whimper coming from Beam.

Beam gripped on Forth's shoulder as the other's lips leaves a trail of kisses on his neck down to his chest. Forth bit and suckled every part of him, growing hungrier by every second. Beam held on to a Forth's hair as surges of pleasure and pain sweeps his entire body. With the last strand of his sanity, Beam tried to push Forth away on top of him, overwhelmed by his burning desire. But even in this state, Forth was unstoppable. Beam felt helpless against his kisses and touch till his hands willingly crept on Forth's back to drew him closer, tracing every muscled that he touched, admitting surrender.

One by one, the rest of their clothes fell on the floor. Beam couldn't look away from Forth on top of him. The light coming from the lightning outside highlighted every curve and bulges of muscle.

Sweat had formed on Forth's chest and face. Beam felt the urge to caress him, every inch of him.

Forth wanted him, like never before. He was eager to conquer him and Beam was more than willing to give in. And so as the rain, thunder and lightning battled outside the beach house until dawn, Forth and Beam had a rainstorm of their own.

Forth woke up with a heaviness on top of him. He felt a whole lot better than he did hours ago. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Beam, peacefully asleep on his chest.

He stared at Beam with a new found hope.

"You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me." Forth whispered.

Beam mumbled incoherent sounds that made Forth smile and chuckle.

Forth gently touched Beam's hair. Beam snuggled closer to him. Forth's heart swelled up. He made love to his husband and now he was sleeping in his arms. It almost felt like a dream for him. If he could, Forth would have frozen time so he could stare at Beam forever.

When Beam woke up he was alone in the bed. There was a slight discomfort but the pain on certain parts of his body was tolerable. A remnant of what transpired last night. Beam felt his cheeks heating up at the thought.

Beam sheepishly hugged the pillow and breathed in the scent. It smelled like Forth, Beam could tell that he had changed his cologne. It had a gentle fragrance that Beam liked.

He looked around and noticed the clock on the bedside table. It was already five in the afternoon. Beam felt somewhat disoriented with disbelief. The exhaustion must have really drove him to sleep through the entire day.

The storm was long gone and the afternoon sun's golden glow was fading little by little. The strong breeze remained.

As he puts on a shirt, Beam tries to think of things to say to Forth. Now that his emotions had subsided Beam no longer knows what to feel. The only thing that is clear to him is that he's still scared with the uncertainties between them.

Beam wore Forth's jacket before heading downstairs. Forth was nowhere to be seen inside the house. Beam went to the porch, he can see Forth standing on the shore and admiring the pastel sky. Beam walked towards where Forth was. His every step filled with dread and his heart picked up its pace.

Forth turned when he heard the footsteps on the sand coming from behind him. He knew it was Beam but he was still stunned when he saw him.

The sky was a gradient of purple and pink with a thin line of an orange hue on the horizon where the sun was slowly setting.

They stood a few meters apart from each other. The ocean breeze blows, sending a chill down Beam's spine.

He can see Forth opened his lips and then closed it as if he's hesitating to say the things that needed saying.

The sound coming from the waves calmed Beam. He gaze at the horizon behind Forth and for a while his mind wandered. He remembered the past, the good memories they had on the beach. Back when everything was not as painful as it was right now.

Forth looked up and then turned to Beam, finally deciding on breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry.."

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