imagine Nicki Minaj

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*The first time she layed eyes on you she thought you where perfect

*She seen you at a party that Beyonce had thrown

*she didn't know how to approach you

*She walked up to you and introduce herself

*she was really nervous when she was talking to you the first Time

*She calmed down when you told her to Chile out that she had nothing to worry about

*You had her at Hello

*she asked you to dances so y'all dances together

*You gave her your number before you left the party

*She fell head over hills for you

*She asked you out

* You said yes

*she took you out and you two had a wonderful time

*You two became a thing a week Later

*she is way overprotective of you

*she loves kissing your neck

*She shows you off all the time

*she loves sexy time

*After two years she asked you to marry her

*you said yes

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