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Khushi's POV

Khushi, her name is only Khushi, happiness but her life is all filled with sorrow. Happiness never was fort in her the age of eight she lost her parents.....when she lost them she was all lost....but then Gupta family adopted her....I started living my life, moving on but then the Tornado ASR has to hit her....with the force he entered her life it went upside down.....she hated him.....started to fall for him even though her hate was not forgetten for him.....she did all she could trying to console her heart saying it does not matter if he is with Lavanya or not but yes it truly did mattered her lot whenever she saw Lavanya hugging him, kissing him on his cheek.....when she realized after through lot of fighting, pulling, getting on each other throat killing that she fell in love with him and there she lost it.....everything again.....when she thought of her life will be blissful from now one only to shatter the next time with his cruel words and cutting tongue of him pointing his fingers at her morals, value and character......she died that night little when he married her that way, with all his hate tieing the mangalsutra, filling her maang.....she lost everything and everyone that night......but it was not end to all.....He the great ASR, the person she loved hates her the most, loaths her the most, who left no chance to break her......all she wanted from him is little love and all she got was his hatred, pure hatred.....why life has been so cruel to her?......she almost felt pity on her state.....any other girl in her place would have been happy to hear her carrying the child of her love.....but she.....she could not even rejoice the news.....all she could hear in her ears where his accusing words, all she could see was his accusing eyes.......then came the fear of what if the child is called sin...the symbol of love for her is called with bad names.....what if the baby's own father curse the baby.....what if Shyam again spin a tale?......what if the child's identity itself is mocked, questioned.....what will she do?....where will she go?.....her child will bear the mistake without his/her fault.....and then everything started cutting through her, the darkness started to spread like fire and swallowed her.....and in the last she felt nothing.....felt empty like shell......her emotions died and she killed her own child.....Is she happy? No!!! can a mother be happy after killing her child?.....she can never be Khushi died again.....and how many more death she has to is better to die once and for all.....but is it so easy.....when the man who till now hated her comes running to you begging you to not leave him......her treacherous heart yet again betrayed her......will she be able to accept him wholly, after what he has done to her....after what she has gone through.....then answer is unknown....only time could tell.....and she will wait for the time.

Arnav's POV

He knew, he Arnav Singh Raizada is a very creul beast, stone heart man but never he dreamt of something on he will break his love with his own hand. Khushi, Khushi Kumari Gupta came as a wind in his life, and refused to leave him, his mind and the wind.....her every step she took lead her to him which his heart rejoiced secretly but his mind....his calculative mind never let him accept it. He had brought Lavanya in the game only to keep his mind away from Khushi, he had gave Lavanya hopeless dream only to shatter it later all because he wanted to hide his feelings, wanted to run away from the dangerous emotion called Love for Khushi. Even then she succeeded....he hated her for that....hated her guts to stand herself before him, question his belief and making him question his ownself......he had hurt her at every step of their life but got double the hurt in turn......why? why did she have to enter his life?.....but all said then done.....he had fell hopelessly in love with her.....but had never really had the guts to accept to himself let alone to tell her.....again he has to hurt her what good plan it was, went and announced his engagement with Lavanya.....but....but he soon realized his folly hearing her the sand slipping from his closed fingers.....No....he could not let that happen....he again and again hurt her wanted to provoke her to admit before him to say it matters to her or not if he is with someone else......but she was stubborn and last he had to break his engagement with Lavanya.....he had been happy coming to know of her called off engagement.....all was going well.....they had started opening up their feelings to each other but.....but it all had to end on that fateful night.......Oh Why had he not trusted her words....why did he not believe in her story.....why he had to believe that filthy brother in law of his?.....why?....why did he not gave her a chance to prove herself?......why he did not investigated for the real truth.......but no....he has to blind himself in anger, in the feel of betrayal.....and the horrible past of his where his mother got betrayal from his father.....everything closed on him and he announced his verdict on her.....married her forcefully threatening to break her sister's marriage......and started breaking her through his words, his action.....what if he had actually loved her at the night of their intimacy....what if he failed to hate her at the time of loving her.....but in her eyes it would have all be lust from his side.....he could not blame her.....why will anyone think the person who hates you will actually make love to you and not just have s**........he is really a bas**** killed his Khushi all these months, broke her to an extent where today nothing is left in her.....all he could see was a lifeless girl before him.....he had been late to realize the truth, late to realize her innocence, late to get his old Khushi to all his sin he had lost his child....his and Khushi's first child......his Khushi thought he will blame the child, will point his finger at the child's identity, their childs parenting.......and aborted their child.....could he blame is his fault......he had lost everything, and he came to know late......he has lost his Khushi....he has lost his child.....and his Khushi is now wanting to leave him.....No how can he let her go.....he cannot live without her.....He will do everything in his power to get her back in his life, to bring his old Khushi back....who was chirpy, loving, strong enough to stand against him....the Khushi who was alive in every sense.....he has got a chance and he will not waste it.....His Khushi has to come to him, all back....but this time he will win her with his love....only love.

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