Diagon Alley

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The next day, Belle sat in the back garden, waiting for Professor McGonagall to arrive. Harvey was back, chatting with Miss Dimanche, so Belle had taken no time in going outside to escape. She was bored outside, just sitting on the bench. Miss Dimanche had made her give away the hamster, saying that she didn't have the money to be constantly buying food for the hamster. Harvey had disagreed with Miss Dimanche on that subject, but Belle suspected he was only trying to win her over.

There was a strange pop noise behind Belle, making her jump. She turned around in her seat, and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione. They all looked worried and jumpy.

'Hello,' said Belle. 'How come you're back here? Did I give the letter to the wrong owl?'

'No, no, you did perfectly,' Hermione tried to reassure her. 'It's just, we'll need you to do lots. I'm really sorry. We'll have to keep coming back and getting you to do little jobs. And I hate to say it, but they will gradually get harder.'

'Oh ... okay,' said Belle, not sure what to say at that. 'What do I need to do now?'

'Well, we know you're going to Diagon Alley today,' said Hermione.

'Basically, we need you to be in a shop called Flourish and Blotts by half past two,' explained Ron. 'It's really important.'

'Okay,' said Belle nervously. 'I suppose you couldn't explain why?'

'No, sorry,' apologised Harry.

Belle nodded silently, and looked at her watch. When she looked up at them again, they were gone. Even though this had happened last time, she still couldn't help but feel shocked.

'Belle!' called Miss Dimanche through the kitchen window. 'Professor McGonagall's here!'

Suddenly nervous of the time, Belle went back into the house. Miss Dimanche was in the living room. It seemed Harvey had left at the arrival of the professor, for he was no longer there. Professor McGonagall was standing in the living room again.

'How much money do I need to take?' asked Miss Dimanche warily.

'About two hundred pounds, that way there's no way you won't have enough money, and you'll get lots of change,' said Professor McGonagall.

Miss Dimanche looked doubtful about how much change she would actually end up getting. Belle could tell she was worrying the professor was conning her out of money; it was just the sort of thing that would go through her mind. However, she stayed quiet and went and got some money.

'Can you drive?' asked Professor McGonagall once Miss Dimanche had re-entered the room.

'Erm - yes,' said Miss Dimanche, looking even more worried upon hearing that Professor McGonagall couldn't drive. 'But I don't know where I'm supposed to drive to.'

'Don't worry, I'll give you directions,' said Professor McGonagall.

They went into the car, Professor McGonagall in the front with Miss Dimanche, shooting instructions at her. Belle just sat in the back, looking out the window and trying to guess where they could be going. However, once they got out of the town, Professor McGonagall told Miss Dimanche to take a turn Miss Dimanche had never taken before. After that, all Belle could do was ponder where they could be going to get the "special stuff".

Belle must have drifted off into her own world inside her head, because when the car stopped in a massive car park, she gave a start of surprise. Professor McGonagall got out of the car along with Miss Dimanche. Belle quickly got out the car, looking around to try and figure out where they were.

'Is this London?' she asked curiously.

'Yes,' said Professor McGonagall. 'Follow me.'

'Do you really believe her?' muttered Miss Dimanche to Belle as she fell back to walk with her.

Belle Dimanche and When Time Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now