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    *Four months later*

It was time to get Harry from Privet drive. Since we can't apparate due to the trace we were flying over. Now Voldemort doesn't want me so I'm safe. But Harry is another story.

   I had headed over early to act like I was helping Harry finish packing for the school year. In reality I was there to get everyone else out and safe.

      Hiding my broom I hurried into the house. "PETUNIA!" Uncle Vernon yelled seeing me there.

"What is it dear?" She said walking into the room. The plate she was drying slipped from her hands and shattered with a clash on the floor.

   "W-what are you doing here?" She asked looking at me.

"Good to see you too aunt Petunia. I'm here to help Harry pack. You got the letter of course. I expect you guys to be out of here by half past seven. That's when the rest are coming. " I say before going for the stairs.

A hand caught my wrist suddenly. "Are you?" She asked examining my hand.

"Yeah. I'm married. I sent you an invite but of course it must have been lost in the mail." I tell her before hurrying up the stairs.

"Harry. I'm here to help." I said as I knocked on the door.

The door flew open and I was pulled into the room. "Let's get to work." I say opening his dresser.

He just looked at me as I quickly folded clothes and set them aside.

"Please. This is me with just Ceds clothes." I snickered.

Finishing the top drawer I moved to the second. That's when Harry started helping.

Getting everything packed and tossed into the suite cases was easy. Now everything else we didn't know if we were to come back for. Getting to thinking I remembered something.

Pulling my purse off my shoulder (its a way I transport my wand)
I started putting some of Harry's things in it. Gotta love the good old extension charm. He looked at me like I was mental but hey that's who I am.

"Extension charm Harry. Shouldn't you be familiar with it?" I ask him smirking.

He nodded and helped me put most of his things in my bag.

"That should be it." He told me. Nodding I looked at the time.

"Time to say goodbye to the rest of the family." I said leaving the room. He looked confused and trailed after me.

Seeing Dudley I even had to smile. He was so small before. Now he's a man. Looking over as I reached the bottom he stood in shock.

"What the hell happened with you?!" He asked quite loudly.

"I grew up Dudley. That's what happened." I tell him before going to help Aunt Petunia finish up.

"So.." She trailed off as she put away the dishes.

Glancing over as I was putting a cup in she slipped four words out. Freezing in shock the cup slipped from my hands. Hearing the glass hit the floor was when footsteps came quickly.

"You alright Lauretta?" Harry asked.

"Later Petunia. Yeah...I'm fine Harry. Just slipped is all. Go make sure you do have everything alright." I told him quickly cleaning the glass up.

He nodded before I helped finished getting the cups cleaned and packed away.

  Loading up the car I checked the time on my watch. 6:45..

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