Volume 1 : beggining years

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Chapter 1 - Arrival

On may 25th, he was born like any other child, a cute baby boy who's future seemed bright. Not a care in the world in the first stages of his life. Not knowing of the crime he committed even before his birth, Unaware, and naive this child kept prancing. Without a clue of what to come.

The first year of his life was useful and normal he had picked up sounds and was growing bigger and stronger.

The second year was eventful - characteristics began to appear and the boy seemed like a strong, brave and optimistic child. Everyone believed he would be the jock of the family. He was so chuby would would be sure he would grow up to be a chubby kid.

Far into the second year a tragedy had happened. The boy growing rapidly began to take his first steps, and was closer than ever to walking, but the he was injured. His leg was crushed and left permanent damage of one leg shorter than the other by around a few centimeters.

The third year was filled with perseverance, the boy though unable to walk around, would crawl around and would pull himself with his arms. He developed a knack to set up contraptions to make his way through and up things along side this. His character changed in the most extreme way, the boy was now quiet, frail and timid.

The fourth year was filled with hope, the boy had learned to talk in both english and spanish some. He was starting to stand again after a while of healing and rehabilitation. He could count to thirty and was already reading, helping him develope advanced social skills.  But soon - a new subject most people don't deal with - would arise.

The fifth year was entirely new. The boy had now begun walking completelyn but stiil had issues running. He skipped preschool and went straight to kindergarten. He started to develop a temper due to the fact that he felt ignored and different. He became mean and uncaring , a strong strong character kicked in - as if he just switched from being one person to another.

Chapter 2 - Incident?!!

Two months into kindergarten and his temper got him into a fight.

This behavior made it hard for P-p - I mean the boy to make friends. After a while he was starting to fit in but still something about him was becoming a noticeable difference. The boy was smart more athletic and would often think of things and do things kids his age wouldn't be able to.

He would end up on the school roof, randomly figure out equations kids shouldn't even understand, he would never have classwork because it would all be done by a few minutes of beofre the end of class or on the bus. So he would just sit there and scribble little drawings that were ever so slightly getting better. After half the school year he began developing even more anger issues and showed aggression to others for no reason at times. One day he was out during recess and got into a fight with a boy named Todd.

Todd ended up with a bloody head and a broken arm. But the boy claimed to not remember and to have not done any of it and seemed frightened by the thought of having hurt someone so badly. The incident was so bad it got attention from the news. After that he didn't arrive to school for a week and it was said to be because of family reasons. His parents were interviewed afterward and people suspected them of not raising the boy right but it cleared up after a while.

Pov ( the boy earlier with his teacher )

I - I-  I- I- I -didn't do it.

Teacher : Don't lie to me you know you hit him!(she yelled)

The boy: I didn't! 

Teacher: ok then what did supposedly happen. (She said with an annoyed tone)

The boy: All I remember is getting mad at him for stealing my snack. But when I went to tell him to give it back he said he had already ate it and pushed me.

I got angrier and then and after that i dont remember what happened. Things went dark and then bright agian. When I looked at him again he was there b-b-bleeding and then ii-i screamed. When the others arrived all they saw was that I beat him up. When he woke up He-he said i did it but-but- Im scared - i don't remember and I didn't do it.(he starts to sob)

Teacher: you do know he is in the hospital thanks to you! 

The boy: but - i didn't do it (he says with tears falling from his eyes and a sad crackle in his voice)

Teacher: quit making things up! ( she said even though she took time to listen to my story)
(end of pov)

Chapter 3: good boy?

After the incident had cleared the boy went back to school... Things were never the same - he never saw Todd hughes again, and that other students feared him. Yet they seemed to have forgotten after a while or just didnt care anymore becuase they accepted him again after a while. He then had a very unusual change. The boys character - it had changed a full 360 degrees. He had no anger issues he tolerated all, he was honest, shy, frail and never fought again, his emotions were hard to see but were still there and his smarts increased. How could this happen? and this quick? it's almost as if he's been sealed and reborn as a good boy?

The sixth year the boy had grown adapted to his new lifestyle and it seemed as if the old him never existed. It seemed as if making friends wasn't as hard as before and things would be fine. He then meet a kind hearted, funny, chubby boy named Alexis. They were inseparable and the perfect duo. Alexis was open, funny, bright, strong and not so smart, the boy was closed, gloomy, shy, weaker and very smart. They never seemed to get bored and always found new people and things to do. The boys art skills began to grow and for the first time he found something he was content and liked being good at. The boy never really studied or cared about math, science, history, and ELA but always exceeded more than others at it, there were other smart kids of course some smarter than him. They were all always recognized and given special treatment due to their smarts and even though the boy was smarter than most he was never awarded, or given special chances. He begane to just view his smarts as another part of himself and no longer viewed it as something special he should be awarded for, being better than others at math,and etc never matterd to him again. 

He eventually by the age of 7 the boy was in second grade and learned that life is unfair, and that some are treated differently because of their skin color or race. For he was mercilessly beaten at home by bullies that lived nearby, they bullied him for being hispanic. You would expect them to have been white but strangely even though black people were once treated horribly and should know more about accepting others from thier parents, my bullies were black. Having to deal with beatings and bullying every single day he quickly adapted and learned to control his feeling and body pain. He became more lost in self control than trying to find and be himself. The good boy was too good and trapped himself. He would follow the orders of those above and around him. He became indecisive and dependent. The only one who understood him at the time was Alexis and his friends. 

Chapter 4: first and only love

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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