Chapter 11

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Y/N P. O. V

I once again admire the beauty of the area. Looking at how the light from the sunset reflects off the water and how the willow looks like an old lady reaching across the lake to hug her grandchildren. The way the vines curl up the base of the tree and the bench reminding me slightly of the honeysuckle bushes that grew behind my old high school.

I quickly push that memory to the back of my mind and turn around to face the guys whom all wore bright smiles as they examined the area. John's eyes seemed to sparkle almost as he looked at the lake, possibly scanning the area for turtles.

Aaron and Alexander's eyes practically seemed glued to the bench under the willow.

They must be thinking the same thing I was, about that being an amazing spot to sit and read.

"So...? " I question, a smile spreading across my face.

It took them all a moment to process what I had said before they all shout at me in unison, "I LOVE IT!"

I stumble backwards a bit, a little frightened by their sudden outburst.
Lafayette and Herc look at each other before starting to laugh, the rest of us joining in shortly after.

Eventually we stop laughing and begin setting up our stuff next to the willow. By the time everything for our picnic was set up the sun had gone almost completely down, leaving only a small sliver of light. The sky had begun turning a deep shade of blue and a few shimmering stars began to appear.

"So YN, I realize it's been quote a while now and we haven't really asked but, do you remember anything now?" Aaron asks looking up from his book.

"What do you mean?" I reply in a confused tone, not quite understanding what he was saying.

"Like when we all first met, do you remember what happened before yet?"

"Yah, I was wondering that the other day too," Alex said looking from Burr to me.

I scratch the back of my head and make it appear like I'm trying to think back on it.

I still can't just tell them, I'll either have to come up with something or just say no..

I hesitate, not sure how to respond before slowly shaking my head no,
"Before I woke up in your yard I can't remember anything, it's all just one big blur, "

It isn't a complete lie. From the time I jumped back into the water until I woke up here, it was all just a blur of colors and sounds.

Aaron nodded, "That's understandable. "

"Anyway! How's Shelsey?" I quickly try to change the subject, looking over to John who sat with his sketchbook in his lap doodling the turtle, whom sat in front of him, with a backdrop of the lake.

John's eyes lit up when he heard the question, "She's doing great! "

"I just haven't seen her in a while, " I say, gently patting the turtle's head.

"Yah, where has she been? " Alex asked propping his elbow up on his knee and leaning on his hand, looking at the other male.

They're so gay-

"She was just hiding around in my room... I think.."

"You think?"

"Well, she went missing for a couple days so I'm not sure.."

"Oh my gosh, " Alex exclaimed, laughing.

"Look, there's been a lot going on, ok!"

We all laugh at the two's little conversation. I collapse on my back and look up at the sky through the limbs of the willow tree. There's a more abundant amount of stars in the sky now. There appeared to be hundreds, twinkling brightly in the sky, a great contrast to the dark willow branches.

I hear two people hit the ground beside me, one on the left and one on the right. I tilt my head to look to my left to see the poofy hair of none other than John Laurens and to the right I see Aaron Burr.

Shelsey sat on John's chest as he lay next to me staring at the stars.

"So.. Who's going to watch Shelsey while you guys are gone?" I ask, drumming my fingers on my stomach.

"Well you could always watch her," John replied looking over at me, "Or I could take her with me. "

I gasp dramatically, "John! War is no place for a young lady like Shelsey! "

At this I hear the rest of the guys laugh.
"Alright, fair point."

God, I just can't believe they'll be leaving so soon. I just don't understand..

If I'm here now, and I'm actually in the past, there must be a reason right? I mean I could have been sent to any other time line, any other place, with any other group of people. Yet here I am in the year 1776, in New York City, with Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Aaron Burr, and Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.

There has to be a reason.. But what?



So uh, hi guys?

This chapter took a little bit longer to write than I wanted since I wanted it to be a bit longer and nicer..

So good news for me, I am in this thing at my school called Power Of The Pen where we go to writing competitions and stuff so that's awesome! I hope that it will help me improve my writing skills not only for me but also for those of you who read my stories!

Like I've said before if any of you have any suggestions or questions let me know! You can always private message me or just simply comment.

I know sometimes I may take a while to respond and I apologize but my Wattpad for some reason doesn't notify me when people comment, I'll have to figure out why...

Anyway I won't waste your time and I'll instead be going to get to work on the next chapter, I hope you all enjoy and until next time,

Goodbye my lovely readers,


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