Elijah. Elijah Kumiko. He came off as the happy type of person. The kindness and happiness he showed to the ones around him ..pursueing them away from what was infact a very subdued boy. At home he was a complete different person, he felt as if he could pour his emotions out, be in his own world. Unlike at school where he felt trapped. Not able to be himself, having to cover the sorrow filled frowns with the smiles, the kindness. He was the kind of person who would get lost in helping others that he would have no time to focus on himself. Elijah didn't deserve to have this..curse. That consumed his happiness, his life and threw it deep away where no person could find. Elijah deserved to be happy, to have true smiles, to feel alive. To always feel free, to never feel trapped. To inahle the air and feel alive and not feel lifeless. To feel all the wonderful things of the world.To live properly.He will search for the happiness that's lost deep down in dark caves of his mind. He will find the happiness he deserves.
Elijah spent the rest of that night daydreaming, the one thing that possibly sometimes makes him just that little bit happy.After all just the smallest bit of happiness is admirable..When he was happy, for maybe that one time, he would make the most of it.He enjoyed the feeling of happiness. And Sometimes it almost felt like he was becoming him old self again.The moment he returned from the sweet daydreams of his he seemed to hate every breath he inhaled but again Another sleepless night soon to pass by.