*Chapter 9 Addison

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How hard can it be to open a box without a key? Not hard right? I groan, this is so frustrating! Okay, okay I need to concentrate maybe it will help. I concentrate all my power and put my hand over the box and think 'Open,Open!' when I open my eyes I see it did nothing.
My vision starts to go black and I think I'm about to pass out but as soon as my vision is completely black, a single word floats across the darkness in my mind, 'APERI' and then it's soon followed by the word 'whisper' so I whisper the strange word.
"Aperi." I whisper, the word feeling comfortable on my tongue like I've said it a million times before. Then I hear a little click and look down to see the lid opening and lifting up from the box.
"Yes!" I say excitedly! It worked! Wait where did that word come from? I makes mental note to ask mom about it later.
When I look inside the box I see 3 things. An envelope, a ring, and a picture of my mom a baby (which I assume is me.) and a man (which I assume is my biological father.)
The band of the ring is silver. on the left side of the band is a black feather and on the right is a white feather, but in the center is my birthstone and aquamarine. I set the ring back in the box and pick up the envelope
When I open the envelope I slide out a letter addressed to me from my father. I unfold it and begin to read the letter in my head.
'Dear Addison,
If you are reading this that means I am long gone, but not by choice by force. I am sure your mother has told you her side of the story but now it's time for you to hear mine. I was banished from the angels and forced to join the demons when I was 20. When I was 24 I met your mother I saw her from a distance so I disguised myself so I could get closer to her without her trying to kill me. She was on a mission to help and inspire humans. After I introduce myself we really connected, but at first we kept it a secret, but soon after we both told our councils. not too long after we got married and had you. It had been a couple years since we started dating and I knew I had to tell your mother that I was a demon but I didn't want to wreck what we had, so I waited, I waited until you were five. When I told her I couldn't stop talking, it was such a relief to let it all out! I told her that I would leave it all for her, that I would ask my leader to make me human so we could be together. I didn't wait for her answer because I thought she would have loved me even if I was a demon, when I asked my leader to turn me human he refused. I was so angry that everyone was telling me that I couldn't be with your mother that I killed him, so I became the leader. I lost it and I killed him, I drank his blood to make it official and I became the new leader when I got back to our house your mother was packing a bag for you and her, that's when I felt the power rolling off you it was so strong, and I didn't think that would be possible considering your eyes were brown but a lot of Angelic kids eyes are brown when they are born and change later on. At the time I didn't know that so I thought you were a demon but your eyes had developed all the way. I knew I couldn't lose your mother so I tried to control your mothers mind when she realized what I was doing she put a block up in her mind so I couldn't get in. So I tried to act crazy, your mother always had such a kind heart I thought she would stay but she grabbed you and went to the only place I can't go. Heaven.
After that I was so lost without her so I went back to the underworld to make a plan to take out my anger on the Angels. I killed many of them but I kept the strongest one, i'm sure you will eventually hear of him, his new name is Elliot Stanton. After the war the Angels went to your mother and my house to search it. I watched them do it so I froze time and put this box into the house where I knew they would find it. I unfroze time and watch them find the box and struggle to open it.
You may be wondering why I'm telling you all of this well here's the reason, but first I should tell you this when an Angel falls and turns into a demon they have to get a new name because our first one ties us to God so the name I have chosen is Azrael. I'm sure you've heard of me, I'm Azrael the most powerful demon/fallen Angel and former Archangel of death and I seek revenge. But I will do anything to get you and until I have you I will make everyone on earth suffer, everyone you care about, I will make you watch them suffer. So either you come willingly or you will suffer the consequences, because I will stop at nothing to get you. Beware Addison I'm coming for you!'
Its official my father is a crazy psychopath demon!
I decide I have found out enough information for today so I close the box and get up. I walk over to the door and open it. I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When I get there I see my mom and dad in the kitchen.
"Oh hey mom."she turns around and smiles. She walks towards me and when she gets about halfway she stops and gasps, then her eyes roll back into her head and she falls to the ground. Jamie and I both try to catch her but we both just miss her and her head hits the ground with a big THUD!

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