Wassup everybody my name is August Alsina and im Drug lord for YRN but i also bully Niyah.....why?? because she bad af but she wouldnt fall for a thug and somebody who always bullied her for no apparent reason....oh yeah im 5"11 so yeah im pretty tall i have brown eyes but i do have a soft spot for certian people like my mama my little sister micky and Niyah i dont know where my dad is but guess what though I dont give a fuck*smokey voice*
i woke up dis morning to my mama yelling at micky...ugh what the hell she done did now??
micky mama i aint even take your money why you gotta yell at me for
Momma Dukes cause i know your little fast ass took my shit
WHY is yall yelling early this morning
Micky she said i stole her money but i didnt
Momma Dukes yes you did i know you did
Ugh!!!!! shut up damn how much was it ma
Momma Dukes 2,000
Sighs ight momma here damn come on micky
Micky where we going
Im going to Mike house and your going with me
Micky ok*goes to get dressed*
Momma Dukes Aggy!!!!
yeah momna
Monma Dukes thanks
you welcome mama......lets go micky
Micky man Aggy im coming bruh damn chill
aye aye wtch your mouth lil guh before i pop you in it
Micky watever you ready
yeah lets go
Man Ryah chill with all that screeming man
Ryah no dawdy
chill guh forreal before i pop you
Ryah no*throws sippy cup at mike*
Ryah throw something at me again im gonna whip your ass think its a game
Ryah sowwy dawdy
Its ok Ryah just dont do it again ok
Ryah*nods* wove you dawdy
love you too Riyah
Riyah runs off and goes to play with her toys
Phone call to August
Aye bruh
Nah bruh Ryiah bad ass here
You need to go ahead and get with that Niyah girl before its to late
Ight bruh
I just got off the phone with mike to let him know that me and Mickyyy coming over
Micky you ready to go ion got all day to wait on you
Micky yeah aggy I'm ready dang
Ight lets go grabs keys to my car
Micky aggy why does momma hate me
She doesn't hate u micky mama she just.....nevermind ill explain it later but no matter i love u ok
Micky i love you too aggy is Ryiah gonna be der
Yeah mike said she would
At mikes house
Mike Ryiah der go auntie micky
Ryiah Mixy!!!!!
Micky giggles hey auntie bby
Ryiah hugs micky
Micky so mike i know yall not finna stay here so me and Ryiah finna watch movies and yall can go do watever
Mike ight
August Micky?
Micky yes aggy
August be safe until we get back
Micky ight
Okay guess dats all for now but dnt forget to comment and vote