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I walk to Past Events enveloped in a silent buzzing excitement. Yesterday Bump Nose told us that today would be a group discussion. We have had these in the past; the teacher lectures the entire class and asks us questions that we answer out loud. I often wish we could ask questions ourselves, yet trying would be too much of a risk. We sit down promptly and begin to hang on every odd sounding syllable that Bump Nose, looking chipper this morning, chooses to speak. He recaps everything about early humans that we learned from the text asking us questions along the way. He ends his speech with the same ambiguity as the textbook: "The Greater Purpose was lost."

Instead of immediately launching into the next thing as we are accustomed to he hesitates. He simply stares at us silently as if daring us to ask questions, yet no one is that stupid, not even me, and curiosity is my greatest vice. Yet for once I am wrong. As 12 begins to speak the temperature in the room seems to drop by hundreds of degrees. "Respectfully asking, how was the greater purpose lost?" The class collectively stops breathing. For a second Bump Nose is silent, yet instead of chastising 12, or worse, he seems to ponder his actions. He sits on his desk in front of us, with his head slightly cocked to the left. I am certain I am going to loose my most treasured partner in conversation when to my surprise he speaks.

"The Greater Purpose was lost because people, no longer relying on their innate urges for survival, became slaves to unregulated dopamine. They became lazy, selfish and corrupt." Despite the silence and stoicism I can tell that the entire class is in awe. Will he answer all our questions? Is he still going to punish 12? An uncomfortable pause ensues. Then to my utter bafflement more hands shoot up as a male, 14, begins to speak. "How was the greater purpose recovered?" The classes' ears seem to perk up as Bump Nose again begins to answer the question. "In modern society, impulses and urges are closely monitored and dopamine is regulated. To prevent weakness, standards for existence have also been raised." At this point I can no longer contain my curiosity and excitement and my hand shoots up. Before I think the better of it, I ask the real question we all have, but are too afraid to speak: "What exactly is The Greater Purpose?"

At this point the class erupts into a chaos of gasps, and frantic chatter. Perhaps my inflection was a tad rude... My heart crawls up into my mouth as I search Bump Nose's eyes, eager and terrified. His usual mysterious, but benevolent aura has been replaced by a cold sinister facade. For a moment he looks me dead in the eye, then he reaches for his wrist port and I erupt in flames-or at least that's what it feels like. My entire body contracts as a buzzing electric shock resonates through me and I fall to the floor. I am blinded and burning tears pool in my eyes, my bladder threatens release, yet I know I won't be allowed to stay down for long: crying is akin to disassembling oneself. With a strangled gasp I pull myself into my chair and sit once again in straight postured silence. My pulse is racing, and I can't seem to stop shaking. I purse my lips and relax my face in a desperate attempt to subdue my tears.

Bump Nose begins to speak sharply and calmly. "Title Seven, such frivolous questions as yours are the product of a weak and idle mind. To prevent your mind from becoming such a breeding ground for vermin, you will be writing two extra essays per night for the next two weeks." I have been electrically shocked before, we all have, but never like this. I can't help but feel slightly betrayed, for a second I thought Bump Nose was different. I know I took the questions too far, but I never thought he would shock me that strongly. People have died from strong, unexpected shocks. Bump Nose continues to speak but no one is listening. They are too busy stealing baffled glances at each other as the smell of burnt hair perforates the room. My burnt hair. I quickly swallow my tears and spend the rest of the class hurriedly writing all my essays with quick, shaky hands. I hate Bump Nose. I hate people who are one way one minute and another way the next.

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