Part One

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 Mason awoke with a start.  This was the third night in a row he had that same dream.  He didn't even know who they were.  He didn't even know how he knew how he knew they were there.  It was like a sixth sense.  Except it wasn't.  

       He went about his day like normal, but the dream kept haunting him.  At school, he couldn't focus.  He failed a math test because he was so distracted.  The rest of the day went on like that, yelled at here, failed pop quiz there, and so on.  It was what happened after school that was noticeable.

        As he was walking home, he saw them.  Actually, more like felt them.  He usually walked next to the road, but today he was trying to delay his arrival home, so he could think about the dream.  Today he walked through the alleys.  He was walking absentmindedly, not paying much attention to anything when it happened.  About five minutes after he started feeling them, he walked into a wall.  He didn't feel anything, though.  He walked through it, and the feeling, the strange nag that someone was watching, grew ten times stronger.  

       Then, he actually, physically saw them for the first time.  He knew it was them by the feeling he got when he saw them.  Then, it hit him.  He was in the white room.  "Uh-oh" he thought.  "I know what happens next." He tried to run, but he couldn't.  He realized there was someone sitting in front of him.

"Ah, Mason.  It was nice of you to finally come.  I've been trying to contact you for three days now."  

"Three days! That's how long I've been having those dreams!"

"Yes, I was trying to contact you through your dreams.  And yes, I can read your thoughts."

"Who are you?!? Why have you been sending me those dreams?!?"

"I have been sending you dreams to contact you, to ask you for help."

"Why do you need my help?"

"You, Mason, are different-"

"I've heard that enough from my teachers."

"-special.  I'm surprised you haven't discovered your powers yet.  You're very different from your father."

"Don't talk about him!"

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