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Painting in public, especially while people were playing soccer and the sun was out for once in this god forsaken country, was shockingly nice

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Painting in public, especially while people were playing soccer and the sun was out for once in this god forsaken country, was shockingly nice.

His cat is sleeping on the blanket Hyunjin laid out on the grass, tail lightly whipping his paint brushes in the murky green water.

The sakura tree he was painting was...coming along, but the family behind him throwing the wrappers from their food on the ground was really annoying him.

He pushes his hair out of his face, the long hair he's been too lazy to cut in a little bun on his head. He's also too broke to go to the barbers.

Ever since his parents cut him off since he decided to go into art instead of medicine he's been surviving off of ramyeon and kimbap that changbin, his best friend and chef major made since his parents actually funded him.

His phone SHINee's "Sherlock" and he smiled as he heard Jonghyuns voice. Jonghyuns his kinda mentor but acts more as his parent if anything,  as well as Jackson and his boyfriend Jaebeom.

Jackson and Jaebeom are the reason he can actually afford to still go to college, they let him live with them for like,, $500 dollars a third of the dorms actual prices and they payed like $3000 for him to still go.

He's been thankful for them since Jackson caught him in the bathrooms crying about how he was gonna get kicked out.


He finally finished the blossoms, all that was left is the darken the branches.

Dark brown paint on his brush he starts streaking lightly, silently glad the stippling process is over.

That is hypothetical since a frisbee is coming towards hm

He prays to god that the dog is lazy for a few seconds before screaming internally seeing a giant labrador running for the frisbee.

It leaps and caught the frisbeebefore landing on his beaker of paint water, that's spills over onto his overdue painting.

Barking before dropping down the dog goes to run back to his owner who's there before Hyunjin can say "i'm quit"

"Oh My god I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you were there, normally he runs around people in the way of the frisbee but-" Hyunjin doesn't understand most of what he's saying, since he's speaking...english?

"I sorry, my english not good" Hyunjin says slowly as he looks up to the man. He's hot...really hot...and cute as his nose scrunched up.k

"oh course bang chan, were in seoul not sydney" He says under his breath, chastising himself.

"I'm sorry, my dog" he mispronounces dog"normally doesn't go for the frisbee if there are people in the way" he says in a bit choppy korean. He stoops down and goes to help clean the painting.

"It's fine, I'm already going to fail the course" Hyunjin says defeatedly. "I already have 3 paintings ready, this was just a backup instead he hated the others"

"I'm still super sorry" The blonde guys said for the 3 time, his pouting face making Hyunjin soft.

"And it's still okay, I haven't seen you around here?" Hyunjin cringes at how stereotypical it sounds, but it seems "hot dog owner"- He giggles at the name he made up.

"I'm Chris Chan! but Call be Bang Chan or just Chan, I'm a music producer" That explains never seeing him.

"ah, I'm hyunjin, an art major and something else"

"What do you mean by something else"

"I mean my other major" He giggles as the curious look on Chan's face.

"What's your other major?" Bang Chan sits down on the dry spot of his blanket.

Hyunjin fiddles with his fingers, opening his mouth and acting as if he's gonna tell him.

"It's—something i'm not gonna tell you." He laughs and watches as Chan laughs with him. "That's for me to know and for you to figure out"


How do y'all like it?

I now have to running series plus my jackbeom fic.

Do y'all have good bottom jackson authors,,,(besides jibootyjimin I love reading her fics)

Do y'all have good bottom jackson authors,,,(besides jibootyjimin I love reading her fics)

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-amaya 🗿

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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