The Battle

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Just thought it would be interesting to post this concept. I wrote this over six months ago and wanted to give you guys something new to read, enjoy!!

The cool night air blew softly over the lush grass field. The moon glinted over the grass and a small whistle could be heard. The fresh air gave a summer feel to the trainer standing in its way. That trainer was Ash Ketchum and his crystal brown eyes and blackberry colored hair shined as the luminous moon light hit. A small smirk could be seen plastered to his face as he stared down a creature floating 20 meters away from him. The creature in the simplest summary could be described as a long blue snake with a horn at the top of his or her head. The skin, fur or whatever also glinted with the moonlight giving it a mysterious look, the moonlight flashed over the eyes showing off pair of sizable crystal blue eyes. The creature tossed its head into the air and started to circle Ketchum, keeping the 20 meter distance constant. A curious look could describe the creatures face or rather, if looked into more deeply, the expression could hold confidence and a hint of playfulness. Their eyes stared into each other, waiting for one to make the first move. The wind began to pick up speed and a clear howl could be heard whip across the wide, grassy field. Ketchum's hand quickly went to his belt, where one black and yellow ball could be seen. The ball was minuscule, but gave off a luxurious vibe. In one motion, he unclipped the ball, tapping a white button, enlarging the ball so that it would fit into the grasp of his hand. The smirk never left his face as he tossed the ball into the air.

"Primarina, time to have some fun." His voice even, calm and confident. After a quick flash a new creature could be seen, coiled with the upper half of the body upright. A dog like face and long, nearly white hair would be the first thing the other creature would notice. Checking out the creature, the bottom half of the creature was a bright blue hue in the shape of a mermaid tail. The creature called out its name and stared down the other standing 20 meters away.

"Dragonair, you deserve a trainer who won't abandon you in the middle of a random zone in Kanto. I promise that this battle will show you Primarina's intentions as well as mine, so are you up for a battle." He called out, waiting for some signal to signify that his statement was processed. Seconds later the creature, identified as Dragonair, yipped out Dragon, Dragonair nair. All three beings could be seen smirking under the dim moonlight, the wind continued to howl as if taunting the confrontation soon to occur. Another seconds passed before the Dragonair sped up its circling pace. A small white ball formed at the mouth of said creature, crackling slightly, wavering slightly in front of Dragonair's mouth.

"You know what's coming Primmy, use double team and get out of this circle thing that Dragonair has created." He coolly stated, bringing his arms into the air to stretch them out. He watched as Dragonair zipped around still charging whatever attack that could be coming. He then noticed that the grass field was mostly flat but that the area he was in, was actually a small bowl. It was gradual but his standing point was lower than the 20 meters surrounding him in a circle. An even wider smirk was casted as the battle started to take shape. The ball from Dragonair's mouth soon converted into some white beam that quickly zipped towards Primarina, however the attack fizzed through after an image of Primarina could be seen disappearing. Seven other Primarina's surrounded the Dragonair, who had to stop moving to analyze the predicament. One second it was circling Primarina, but now the tables had turned and it was the surrounded one.

"My Pokemon is pretty fast huh?" He stated, "We've been together for two years now, I'd say that's long enough to form some sort of bond." He casually threw out, "my Primarina is only outsped by Pokemon like Deoxys or Arceus, at least," he chuckled, "that's what I believe."

"Now all of you, use disarming voice, trap Dragonair in a sphere of noise." He shouted, this time thrusting one hand out in front while the other lay decently limp at his side. As a pinkish hue formed at Primarina's mouth, Dragonair started to give off a slight green hue.

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