Suit of death

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Lincoln's POV
I slowly opened my eyes ,and I am staring up at the ceiling,and I couldn't move ,it was like something was weighing me down, I then realised I was in some sort of suit and it was so heavy I couldn't even lift my arm ,"why,hello i see you're awake" came a familiar voice I glanced over to see the man once again "who are and what do you want" I said with an angry tone "let me out of here" I threatened "now, now let's not get worked up ,we have a lot of work to do" he said walking over to the other side of the room.

He then came back with a bunny head possibly for this suit "what are doing ?" I yelled ,anger still present in my voice,right now I wish I could hit the man I was that angry ,the man ignored my question and asked smirking "would you happen to know what suit you're in" I looked at him confused ,but still angry "No" I said in a somber tone "that ,my boy is a spring lock suit ,made for endo skeletons ,but I'm afraid we won't be using them tonight" I paused "w-what do you mean" I asked showing my angry tone was now replaced with a fearful tone "let me rephrase that" the man said kneeling down ,he lifted my chin with his index finger and said casually "I'm going to kill you ,son" that made me freeze "WHAT  y-y-you can't do that" I said ,now fear was really present in my voice "can't I?" He asked tilting his head ,I tried once more to reason with him "look,just let me go,please I won't tell anyone" the man didn't show any sympathy or remorse,he just laughed and said "sorry I'm afraid I can't do that" he then placed the bunny head on me ,completing the suit ,he then picked up a glass of water from the table next to me ,I tried to plea with him once more,but he interrupted me saying "shhhhhhhhh,don't worry it will all be over soon,and here's a bonus you get to be apart of a new family" wait what did he mean by that ,before I had the chance to respond to him he poured the water over me ,triggering the spring locks ,I felt pain everywhere,like a million knives were stabbing me all at once ,and then ........darkness.

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