Going in the woods/going to the island/little girl

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Logan Henderson parked his car by the entrance to the woods cause he wanted to have a spooky adventure for Halloween that year and he was excited about it like a lot cause he could not wait to get spooked out of his skull 

"Gotta make sure I have everything before I go in the woods," he says as he was checking his backpack that had what he needed in cause he wanted to be prepared as could be right now so he was ready for anything 

Once Logan had his backpack on he went in the woods and he was careful as he was walking due to fallen branches and tree roots as well cause it was a little dangerous as he was going in the woods for his adventure that weekend

"This view can not be beaten at all," he says as he was still walking into the woods cause the view was breathtaking right now as he was walking

Logan stopped here and there for a water break and a snack break as well cause it was a long path and he needed his energy as well as he was walking to his campsite right now 

"Looks like there is a lake," he says as he got to the middle of the woods cause it looked so tranquil as the sun was setting a little bit on the water and it was so peaceful right now and the sun shadow was pretty on the water

Logan was going to make camp that night and continue in the morning cause he was going to go to the island to see what was over there and what he, might find as well  

"Might as well make my campfire for the night, and then eat then off to bed for me I believe, so I have my energy for the rest of my hike and so I can row to the island as well and explore that as well, and see what I can find over there in those trees, and goodness knows what else as well" he says as he was making the campfire that night so he stays warm

Logan had his supper and was watching the stars and he looked over at the island cause he might go over that night cause he heard a noise coming from over there, so he was worried that someone or something was trapped over there and it was scared to swim across the huge lake, and he was scared it might be a little one over there and they were trapped there and they could not get off the island as well

"I think I should go there now and see what is going on over there for myself cause it sounds like another person or animal is over there," he says as he headed there and check to see what was there cause that was really scaring him right now cause he was worried that there a little one on that island and they needed help and he was their only hope of getting off of the island

He saw there was a boat close by the water and he started to row to the island and he went to the edge so the boat did not float away cause if the boat floated away he was going to be screwed like super screwed cause he would have to swim back to the other side and that was not going to be pretty at all he wanted to stay dry as could be right now as he headed over there, so he pulled the boat completely onto the shore so he had a way to get back to the other side once he was off the island right now

"Okay I think I should bring the boat closer to the land so it does not float away and then tie it to something as well cause it's safer that way," he says as he was on the island at last

Logan tied the boat to a tree and he went about the island to see what he could find and he could not get enough of the view he was seeing and he saw a cabin close to where he had parked his car at so he was going to go to the cabin instead once he was back in the woods as well

"Okay let's see what is here," he says as he was exploring the island a little bit with the flashlight and lantern he had purchased 

Logan  saw some trees and the island was not very big at all, and he saw a rope and it looks like it was around a tree as well and that scared him right now that someone or something was tied to a tree, and he was going to see what was on that tree and he could hear tiny screams and that worried him a lot right now

"Don't worry I will have you free in a jif" he says as he was untying the creature 

Logan saw it was a little girl and she was scared out of her mind right now and she had something in her mouth as well causing her not to yell really loud only a little 

"Let's take that out of your mouth," he says as he took the bandana out of her mouth so she could speak 

"Thank you," she tells him as he was still working on the ropes

"You are quite welcome," he says as he was still undoing the ropes more so she could move

He got her arms free and she was glad to move them right now 

"How old are you?" he asks her as he was working on her legs 

She puts up two fingers

Logan was shocked she was only two

"Come on then you are freezing," he says as he took her back to the boat so she could get warm 

Logan put a blanket around her and he paddled back to the other side while watching her

"I think we are going to the cabin," he says as he picks her up and takes her to the cabin and he was going to get his gear once he had her at the cabin

Logan took her to the cabin to wait while he got his gear cause the cabin was unlocked so he took her in to warm up

'Here we go sweetie" he says as he sat her in front of the fireplace so she could get warm once he got it started 

"Tank you," she tells him

"You are quite welcome," he says as he went back for his gear

Logan was able to bring everything in one trip

"I like this place," he says as he came in with everything

Logan went to the bedrooms to look at the beds to see what they looked like inside

"Awesome," he says as he was going to unpack a little bit

Logan checked on the little girl and she was fast asleep on the floor close to the fireplace

"Come on sweetie," he says as he carries her to the one room to sleep better right now 

Logan changed her diaper since the cabin had everything that was needed for him and for her as well 

"There we go all better," he says as he changed her

Logan tucked her in and he went to make himself something to eat as she slept cause he was a little hungry from being over there and it looks like she needed a good bath as well, so once she ate he was going to give her a bath then they were going to cuddle for a little bit and maybe they might fall asleep for a little bit cause the poor thing looks like she hasn't slept that great lately and he was going to take care of her wounds after her bath, so she doesn't get an infection. It looks like her wounds were starting to get infected by not being taken care of

Monday's line-up 4 sure and more to come like the actual trip which will be fun 

Wishing everyone Merry Christmas and happy holidays and a happy new year

Deep in the woods, and on a lake wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now